sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.9

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.9

The Book of the Twos

Chapter One


Gotama (1st)

“Sukhaṁ supanti munayo,
Sages sleep at ease

ye itthīsu na bajjhare;
when they’re not bound to women.

Sadā ve rakkhitabbāsu,
For the truth is hard to find among them

yāsu saccaṁ sudullabhaṁ.
and one must always be guarded.

Vadhaṁ carimha te kāma,
Sensual pleasure, you’ve been slain!

anaṇā dāni te mayaṁ;
We’re not in your debt any more.

Gacchāma dāni nibbānaṁ,
Now we go to quenching,

yattha gantvā na socatī”ti.
where there is no sorrow.

… Gotamo thero ….