sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.10

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.10

The Book of the Twos

Chapter One



“Pubbe hanati attānaṁ,
First one kills oneself,

pacchā hanati so pare;
then one kills others.

Suhataṁ hanti attānaṁ,
One kills oneself, really dead,

vītaṁseneva pakkhimā.
like one who kills birds using a dead bird as a decoy.

Na brāhmaṇo bahivaṇṇo,
A holy man’s color is not on the outside;

anto vaṇṇo hi brāhmaṇo;
a holy man is colored on the inside.

Yasmiṁ pāpāni kammāni,
Whoever harbors bad deeds

sa ve kaṇho sujampatī”ti.
is truly a dark one, Sujampati.

… Vasabho thero …

vaggo paṭhamo.


Uttaro ceva piṇḍolo,

valliyo tīriyo isi;

Ajino ca meḷajino,

rādho surādho gotamo;

Vasabhena ime honti,

dasa therā mahiddhikāti.