sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.11

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.11

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Two



“Sussūsā sutavaddhanī,
It’s from eagerness to learn that learning grows;

sutaṁ paññāya vaddhanaṁ;
when you’re learned, wisdom grows;

Paññāya atthaṁ jānāti,
by wisdom, you know the goal;

ñāto attho sukhāvaho.
knowing the goal brings happiness.

Sevetha pantāni senāsanāni,
You should frequent remote lodgings

Careyya saṁyojanavippamokkhaṁ;
and practice to be released from fetters.

Sace ratiṁ nādhigaccheyya tattha,
If you don’t find enjoyment there,

Saṅghe vase rakkhitatto satimā”ti.
live in the Saṅgha, self-guarded and mindful.

… Mahācundo thero ….