sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.22

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.22

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Three



“Panādo nāma so rājā,
There was a king named Panāda

yassa yūpo suvaṇṇayo;
who had a sacrificial post all golden.

Tiriyaṁ soḷasubbedho,
Its height was sixteen times its width,

ubbhamāhu sahassadhā.
and the top was a thousand-fold.

Sahassakaṇḍo satageṇḍu,
It had a thousand panels and a hundred ball-caps,

dhajālu haritāmayo;
all adorned with banners, and made of gold.

Anaccuṁ tattha gandhabbā,
There danced the centaurs,

chasahassāni sattadhā”ti.
numbering seven times six thousand.

… Bhaddajitthero ….