sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.24

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.24

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Three


Valliya (3rd)

“Yaṁ kiccaṁ daḷhavīriyena,
The duty of one whose energy is strong;

yaṁ kiccaṁ boddhumicchatā;
the duty of one who longs to wake up:

Karissaṁ nāvarajjhissaṁ,
that I’ll do, I won’t fail—

passa vīriyaṁ parakkamaṁ.
see my energy and vigor!

Tvañca me maggamakkhāhi,
Teach me the path,

añjasaṁ amatogadhaṁ;
the direct route that culminates in freedom from death.

Ahaṁ monena monissaṁ,
I’ll know it with wisdom,

gaṅgāsotova sāgaran”ti.
as the Ganges knows the ocean.

… Valliyo thero ….