sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.34

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.34

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Four



“Diṭṭhā mayā dhammadharā upāsakā,
I’ve seen lay disciples <j>who have memorized discourses,

Kāmā aniccā iti bhāsamānā;
saying, “Sensual pleasures are impermanent”.

Sārattarattā maṇikuṇḍalesu,
But they’re obsessed with jeweled earrings,

Puttesu dāresu ca te apekkhā.
concerned for their partners and children.

Addhā na jānanti yatodha dhammaṁ,
To be honest, they don’t know Dhamma,

Kāmā aniccā iti cāpi āhu;
even though they say <j>“Sensual pleasures are impermanent”.

Rāgañca tesaṁ na balatthi chettuṁ,
They don’t have the power to cut their lust,

Tasmā sitā puttadāraṁ dhanañcā”ti.
so they cling to children, wives, and wealth.

… Isidinno thero ….