sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.45

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.45

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Five



“Na ukkhipe no ca parikkhipe pare,
One should not suspend others from the Saṅgha, <j>nor raise objections against them;

Na okkhipe pāragataṁ na eraye;
and neither disparage nor raise one’s voice against <j>one who has crossed to the further shore.

Na cattavaṇṇaṁ parisāsu byāhare,
One should not praise oneself among the assemblies,

Anuddhato sammitabhāṇi subbato.
not restless, measured in speech, <j>and true to your vows.

For one who sees the meaning <j>so very subtle and fine,

Matikusalena nivātavuttinā;
who is skilled in thought and humble in manner,

who has cultivated mature ethics—

Nibbānaṁ na hi tena dullabhan”ti.
it’s not hard to gain extinguishment.

… Visākho pañcālaputto thero ….