sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 2.46

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 2.46

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Five



“Nadanti morā susikhā supekhuṇā,
The peacocks cry out with their fair crests and tails,

Sunīlagīvā sumukhā sugajjino;
their lovely blue necks and fair faces, <j>their beautiful song and their call.

Susaddalā cāpi mahāmahī ayaṁ,
This broad earth is lush with grass and dew,

Subyāpitambu suvalāhakaṁ nabhaṁ.
and the sky is full of beautiful clouds.

Sukallarūpo sumanassa jhāyataṁ,
One practicing absorption is happy in mind, <j>and their appearance is uplifting;

Sunikkamo sādhu subuddhasāsane;
going forth in the teaching of the Buddha <j>is easy for a good person.

Susukkasukkaṁ nipuṇaṁ sududdasaṁ,
You should realize that supreme, unchanging state,

Phusāhi taṁ uttamamaccutaṁ padan”ti.
so very pure, subtle, and hard to see.

… Cūḷako thero ….