sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.4

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One



“Sukhañce jīvituṁ icche,
If you wish to live in happiness,

sāmaññasmiṁ apekkhavā;
longing for the ascetic life,

Saṅghikaṁ nātimaññeyya,
don’t look down on the Saṅgha’s robes,

cīvaraṁ pānabhojanaṁ.
or its food and drinks.

Sukhañce jīvituṁ icche,
If you wish to live in happiness,

sāmaññasmiṁ apekkhavā;
longing for the ascetic life,

Ahi mūsikasobbhaṁva,
stay in the Saṅgha’s lodgings

sevetha sayanāsanaṁ.
like a snake making use of a mouse’s hole.

Sukhañce jīvituṁ icche,
If you wish to live in happiness,

sāmaññasmiṁ apekkhavā;
longing for the ascetic life,

Itarītarena tusseyya,
develop this one quality:

ekadhammañca bhāvaye”ti.
be content with whatever is offered.

… Dhaniyo thero ….