sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.7

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.7

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One



“Yodha koci manussesu,
Anyone among men

parapāṇāni hiṁsati;
who harms other creatures:

Asmā lokā paramhā ca,
that person will fall

ubhayā dhaṁsate naro.
both from this world and the next.

Yo ca mettena cittena,
But someone with a mind of love,

compassionate for all creatures:

Bahuñhi so pasavati,
a person like that

puññaṁ tādisako naro.
creates much merit.

Subhāsitassa sikkhetha,
One should train in following good advice,

samaṇūpāsanassa ca;
in attending closely to ascetics,

Ekāsanassa ca raho,
in sitting alone in hidden places,

cittavūpasamassa cā”ti.
and in calming the mind.

… Vāraṇo thero ….