sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.8

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.8

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One



“Ekopi saddho medhāvī,
I was the only one in my family

assaddhānīdha ñātinaṁ;
who had faith and wisdom.

Dhammaṭṭho sīlasampanno,
It’s good for my relatives that I’m

hoti atthāya bandhunaṁ.
firm in principle, and ethical.

Niggayha anukampāya,
I corrected my family out of compassion,

coditā ñātayo mayā;
telling them off out of love

for my family and relatives.

kāraṁ katvāna bhikkhusu.
They performed a service for the monks

Te abbhatītā kālaṅkatā,
and then they passed away,

pattā te tidivaṁ sukhaṁ;
finding happiness in the heaven of the Thirty-three.

Bhātaro mayhaṁ mātā ca,
There, my brothers and mother

modanti kāmakāmino”ti.
enjoy all the pleasures they desire.

… Vassiko thero ….