sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 3.9

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 3.9

The Book of the Threes

Chapter One



“With knobbly knees,

kiso dhamanisanthato;
thin and veiny,

Mattaññū annapānamhi,
eating and drinking but little—

adīnamānaso naro”.
this person’s spirit is undaunted.”

“Phuṭṭho ḍaṁsehi makasehi,
“Pestered by flies and mosquitoes

araññasmiṁ brahāvane;
in the wilds, the formidable forest,

Nāgo saṅgāmasīseva,
one should mindfully endure,

sato tatrādhivāsaye.
like an elephant at the head of the battle.

Yathā brahmā tathā eko,
A monk alone is like the supreme Brahmā;

yathā devo tathā duve;
a pair of monks are like gods;

Yathā gāmo tathā tayo,
three are like a village;

kolāhalaṁ tatuttarin”ti.
and more than that is a rabble.”

… Yasojo thero ….