sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.7

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.7

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Yo dandhakāle tarati,
Hurrying when it’s time to dawdle;

taraṇīye ca dandhaye;
dawdling when it’s time to hurry;

Ayoni saṁvidhānena,
being so disorganized

bālo dukkhaṁ nigacchati.
a fool falls into suffering.

Tassatthā parihāyanti,
Their good fortune wastes away

kāḷapakkheva candimā;
like the moon in the waning fortnight.

Āyasakyañca pappoti,
They become disgraced

mittehi ca virujjhati.
and alienated from their friends.

Yo dandhakāle dandheti,
Dawdling when it’s time to dawdle;

taraṇīye ca tāraye;
hurrying when it’s time to hurry;

Yoniso saṁvidhānena,
being so well organized,

sukhaṁ pappoti paṇḍito.
an astute person comes into happiness.

Tassatthā paripūrenti,
Their good fortune flourishes

sukkapakkheva candimā;
like the moon in the waxing fortnight.

Yaso kittiñca pappoti,
They become famous and respected,

mittehi na virujjhatī”ti.
not alienated from their friends.

… Sambhūto thero ….