sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.8

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.8

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Ubhayeneva sampanno,
I am known as “Fortunate Rāhula”,

rāhulabhaddoti maṁ vidū;
because I’m accomplished in both ways:

Yañcamhi putto buddhassa,
I am the son of the Buddha,

yañca dhammesu cakkhumā.
whose eye sees clearly in all things.

Yañca me āsavā khīṇā,
Since my defilements have ended,

yañca natthi punabbhavo;
since there are no more future lives—

Arahā dakkhiṇeyyomhi,
I’m perfected, worthy of offerings,

tevijjo amataddaso.
master of the three knowledges, seer of freedom from death.

Kāmandhā jālapacchannā,
Blinded by sensual pleasures, trapped in a net,

they are smothered over by craving;

Pamattabandhunā baddhā,
bound by the kinsman of the negligent,

macchāva kumināmukhe.
like a fish caught in a funnel-net trap.

Taṁ kāmaṁ ahamujjhitvā,
Having thrown off those sensual pleasures,

chetvā mārassa bandhanaṁ;
having cut Māra’s bond,

Samūlaṁ taṇhamabbuyha,
and having plucked out craving, root and all:

sītibhūtosmi nibbuto”ti.
I’m cooled, extinguished.

… Rāhulo thero ….