sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.12

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.12

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Pabbajiṁ jīvikatthohaṁ,
I went forth to save my life.

laddhāna upasampadaṁ;
But I embraced faith

Tato saddhaṁ paṭilabhiṁ,
after receiving full ordination.

daḷhavīriyo parakkamiṁ.
I strove, strong in effort:

Kāmaṁ bhijjatuyaṁ kāyo,
gladly, let this body be broken!

maṁsapesī visīyaruṁ;
Let this scrap of meat disintegrate!

Ubho jaṇṇukasandhīhi,
Let both my legs fall off

jaṅghāyo papatantu me.
at the knees!

Nāsissaṁ na pivissāmi,
I won’t eat, I won’t drink,

vihārā ca na nikkhame;
I won’t leave my dwelling,

Napi passaṁ nipātessaṁ,
nor will I lie down on my side,

taṇhāsalle anūhate.
until the dart of craving is plucked.

Tassa mevaṁ viharato,
As I meditate like this,

passa vīriyaparakkamaṁ;
see my energy and vigor!

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Mudito thero …

Catukkanipāto niṭṭhito.


Nāgasamālo bhagu ca,

sabhiyo nandakopi ca;

Jambuko senako thero,

sambhūto rāhulopi ca.

Bhavati candano thero,

dasete buddhasāvakā;

Dhammiko sappako thero,

mudito cāpi te tayo;

Gāthāyo dve ca paññāsa,

therā sabbepi terasāti.