sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 5.5

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 5.5

The Book of the Fives

Chapter One



“Sādhū hi kira me mātā,
Oh so well was the goad

Patodaṁ upadaṁsayi;
shown to me by my mother,

Yassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
on hearing whose words,

Anusiṭṭho janettiyā;
advised by my mother,

Āraddhavīriyo pahitatto,
energetic and resolute,

Patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Arahā dakkhiṇeyyomhi,
I’m perfected, worthy of offerings,

tevijjo amataddaso;
master of the three knowledges, seer of freedom from death.

Jetvā namucino senaṁ,
I’ve conquered the army of Namuci,

viharāmi anāsavo.
and live without defilements.

Ajjhattañca bahiddhā ca,
Those defilements that were found in me,

ye me vijjiṁsu āsavā;
internally and externally,

Sabbe asesā ucchinnā,
are all cut off without remainder,

na ca uppajjare puna.
and will not arise again.

Visāradā kho bhaginī,
My self-assured sister

etamatthaṁ abhāsayi;
said this to me:

‘Apihā nūna mayipi,
‘Now neither you nor I

vanatho te na vijjati’.
have any entanglements.’

Pariyantakataṁ dukkhaṁ,
Suffering is at an end;

antimoyaṁ samussayo;
this bag of bones is my last

in the transmigration through births and deaths;

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there are no more future lives.”

… Vaḍḍho thero ….