sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 5.6

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 5.6

The Book of the Fives

Chapter One



“Atthāya vata me buddho,
It was truly for my benefit

nadiṁ nerañjaraṁ agā;
that the Buddha went to the river Nerañjara.

Yassāhaṁ dhammaṁ sutvāna,
When I heard his teaching,

micchādiṭṭhiṁ vivajjayiṁ.
I shunned wrong view.

Yajiṁ uccāvace yaññe,
I used to perform a diverse spectrum of sacrifices;

aggihuttaṁ juhiṁ ahaṁ;
I served the sacred flame,

‘Esā suddhī’ti maññanto,
imagining, “This is purity.”

andhabhūto puthujjano.
I was a blind, ordinary person.

Caught in the thicket of wrong view,

parāmāsena mohito;
deluded by misapprehension.

Asuddhiṁ maññisaṁ suddhiṁ,
Thinking impurity was purity,

andhabhūto aviddasu.
I was blind and ignorant.

Micchādiṭṭhi pahīnā me,
I’ve abandoned wrong view;

bhavā sabbe padālitā;
all rebirths are shattered.

Juhāmi dakkhiṇeyyaggiṁ,
I serve the truly worthy flame:

namassāmi tathāgataṁ.
I bow to the Realized One.

Mohā sabbe pahīnā me,
I’ve given up all delusion;

bhavataṇhā padālitā;
craving for continued existence is shattered;

Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,
transmigration through births is finished;

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there are no more future lives.

… Nadīkassapo thero ….