sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.2

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.2

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Atihitā vīhi,
“The rice has been harvested

khalagatā sālī;
and gathered on the threshing-floor—

Na ca labhe piṇḍaṁ,
but I don’t get any almsfood!

kathamahaṁ kassaṁ”.
How will I get by?”

“Buddhamappameyyaṁ anussara pasanno,
“In faith, recollect the immeasurable Buddha!

Pītiyā phuṭasarīro hohisi satatamudaggo.
Your body soaked with rapture, <j>you’ll always be full of joy.

Dhammamappameyyaṁ anussara pasanno,
In faith, recollect the immeasurable teaching!

Pītiyā phuṭasarīro hohisi satatamudaggo.
Your body soaked with rapture, <j>you’ll always be full of joy.

Saṅghamappameyyaṁ anussara pasanno,
In faith, recollect the immeasurable Saṅgha!

Pītiyā phuṭasarīro hohisi satatamudaggo”.
Your body soaked with rapture, <j>you’ll always be full of joy.”

“Abbhokāse viharasi,
“You stay in the open,

Sītā hemantikā imā ratyo;
though these winter nights are cold.

Mā sītena pareto vihaññittho,
Don’t perish, overcome with cold;

Pavisa tvaṁ vihāraṁ phusitaggaḷaṁ”.
enter your dwelling, with latch shut fast.”

“Phusissaṁ catasso appamaññāyo,
“I’ll realize the four immeasurable states,

Tāhi ca sukhito viharissaṁ;
and meditate happily in them.

Nāhaṁ sītena vihaññissaṁ,
I won’t perish, overcome with cold;

Aniñjito viharanto”ti.
I’ll dwell unperturbed.”

… Tekicchakārī thero ….