sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.3

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever has no respect

gāravo nūpalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Parihāyati saddhammā,
falls away from the true teaching,

maccho appodake yathā.
like a fish in a little puddle.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever has no respect

gāravo nūpalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Na virūhati saddhamme,
doesn’t thrive in the true teaching,

khette bījaṁva pūtikaṁ.
like a rotten seed in a field.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever has no respect

gāravo nūpalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Ārakā hoti nibbānā,
is far from quenching,

dhammarājassa sāsane.
in the teaching of the Dhamma king.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever does have respect

gāravo upalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Na vihāyati saddhammā,
doesn’t fall away from the true teaching,

maccho bavhodake yathā.
like a fish in plenty of water.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever does have respect

gāravo upalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

So virūhati saddhamme,
thrives in the true teaching,

khette bījaṁva bhaddakaṁ.
like a fine seed in a field.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever does have respect

gāravo upalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Santike hoti nibbānaṁ,
is close to quenching

dhammarājassa sāsane”ti.
in the teaching of the Dhamma king.

… Mahānāgo thero ….