sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.4

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Kullo sivathikaṁ gantvā,
I, Kulla, went to a charnel ground

addasa itthimujjhitaṁ;
and saw a woman’s body abandoned there,

Apaviddhaṁ susānasmiṁ,
discarded in a cemetery,

khajjantiṁ kimihī phuṭaṁ.
full of worms that devoured.

Āturaṁ asuciṁ pūtiṁ,
“See this bag of bones, Kulla—

passa kulla samussayaṁ;
diseased, filthy, rotten,

Uggharantaṁ paggharantaṁ,
oozing and trickling,

bālānaṁ abhinanditaṁ.
a fool’s delight.”

Dhammādāsaṁ gahetvāna,
Taking the teaching as a mirror

for realizing knowledge and vision,

Paccavekkhiṁ imaṁ kāyaṁ,
I examined this body,

tucchaṁ santarabāhiraṁ.
hollow, inside and out.

Yathā idaṁ tathā etaṁ,
As this is, so is that;

yathā etaṁ tathā idaṁ;
as that is, so is this.

Yathā adho tathā uddhaṁ,
As below, so above;

yathā uddhaṁ tathā adho.
as above, so below.

Yathā divā tathā rattiṁ,
As by day, so by night;

yathā rattiṁ tathā divā;
as by night, so by day.

Yathā pure tathā pacchā,
As before, so after;

yathā pacchā tathā pure.
as after, so before.

Pañcaṅgikena turiyena,
Even the music of a five-piece band

Na ratī hoti tādisī;
can never give such pleasure

Yathā ekaggacittassa,
as when, with unified mind,

Sammā dhammaṁ vipassato”ti.
you rightly discern the Dhamma.

… Kullo thero ….