sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.5

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.5

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One


Māluṅkyaputta (1st)

“Manujassa pamattacārino,
When a person lives heedlessly,

Taṇhā vaḍḍhati māluvā viya;
craving grows in them like a camel’s foot creeper.

So plavatī hurā huraṁ,
They jump from life to life, like a monkey

Phalamicchaṁva vanasmi vānaro.
greedy for fruit in a forest grove.

Yaṁ esā sahate jammī,
Whoever is beaten by this wretched craving,

taṇhā loke visattikā;
this attachment to the world,

Sokā tassa pavaḍḍhanti,
their sorrow grows,

abhivaṭṭhaṁva bīraṇaṁ.
like grass in the rain.

Yo cetaṁ sahate jammiṁ,
But whoever prevails over this wretched craving,

taṇhaṁ loke duraccayaṁ;
so hard to get over in the world,

Sokā tamhā papatanti,
their sorrows fall from them,

udabindūva pokkharā.
like a drop from a lotus-leaf.

Taṁ vo vadāmi bhaddaṁ vo,
I say this to you, good people,

yāvantettha samāgatā;
all those who have gathered here:

Taṇhāya mūlaṁ khaṇatha,
dig up the root of craving,

usīratthova bīraṇaṁ;
as you’d dig up the grass in search of roots.

Mā vo naḷaṁva sotova,
Don’t let Māra break you again and again,

māro bhañji punappunaṁ.
like a stream breaking a reed.

Karotha buddhavacanaṁ,
Act on the Buddha’s words,

khaṇo vo mā upaccagā;
don’t let the moment pass you by.

Khaṇātītā hi socanti,
For if you miss your moment

nirayamhi samappitā.
you’ll grieve when sent to hell.

Pamādo rajo pamādo,
Negligence is always dust;

pamādānupatito rajo;
dust follows right behind negligence.

Appamādena vijjāya,
Through diligence and knowledge,

abbahe sallamattano”ti.
pluck out the dart from yourself.

… Mālukyaputto thero ….