sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.7

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.7

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Uṭṭhehi nisīda kātiyāna,
Get up, Kātiyāna, and sit!

Mā niddābahulo ahu jāgarassu;
Don’t sleep too much, be wakeful.

Mā taṁ alasaṁ pamattabandhu,
Don’t be lazy and let the kinsman of the negligent,

Kūṭeneva jinātu maccurājā.
the King of Death, catch you in his trap.

Seyyathāpi mahāsamuddavego,
Like a wave in the mighty ocean,

Evaṁ jātijarātivattate taṁ;
rebirth and old age sweep you under.

So karohi sudīpamattano tvaṁ,
Make a safe island of yourself,

Na hi tāṇaṁ tava vijjateva aññaṁ.
for you have no other shelter.

Satthā hi vijesi maggametaṁ,
The teacher has mastered this path,

Saṅgā jātijarābhayā atītaṁ;
which transcends chains, <j>and the fear of birth and old age.

Be diligent all the time

Anuyuñjassu daḷhaṁ karohi yogaṁ.
and dedicate yourself to practice.

Purimāni pamuñca bandhanāni,
Free yourself from your former bonds!

Wearing your outer robe, with shaven head, <j>eating almsfood,

Mā khiḍḍāratiñca mā niddaṁ,
don’t delight in play or sleep,

Anuyuñjittha jhāya kātiyāna.
dedicate yourself to absorption, Kātiyāna.

Jhāyāhi jināhi kātiyāna,
Meditate and conquer, Kātiyāna,

Yogakkhemapathesu kovidosi;
you’re an expert in the path to sanctuary from the yoke.

Pappuyya anuttaraṁ visuddhiṁ,
Attaining unexcelled purity,

Parinibbāhisi vārināva joti.
you’ll be quenched, as a flame by water.

Pajjotakaro parittaraṁso,
A lamp of feeble flame

Vātena vinamyate latāva;
is bent down by the wind, like a creeper;

Evampi tuvaṁ anādiyāno,
just so, kinsman of Indra,

Māraṁ indasagotta niddhunāhi;
shake off Māra, without grasping.

So vedayitāsu vītarāgo,
Free of lust for feelings,

Kālaṁ kaṅkha idheva sītibhūto”ti.
await your time here, cooled.

… Kātiyāno thero ….