sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.13

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.13

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



The rain saturates things that are covered up;

vivaṭaṁ nātivassati;
it doesn’t saturate things that are open.

Tasmā channaṁ vivaretha,
Therefore you should open up a covered thing,

evaṁ taṁ nātivassati.
so the rain will not saturate it.

Maccunābbhahato loko,
The world is beaten down by death

jarāya parivārito;
and surrounded by old age.

Taṇhāsallena otiṇṇo,
The dart of craving has struck it down,

icchādhūpāyito sadā.
and it’s always fuming with desire.

Maccunābbhahato loko,
The world is beaten down by death,

parikkhitto jarāya ca;
caged by old age,

Haññati niccamattāṇo,
beaten constantly without respite,

pattadaṇḍova takkaro.
like a thief being flogged.

Three things are coming, like a wall of flame:

maccu byādhi jarā tayo;
death, disease, and old age.

Paccuggantuṁ balaṁ natthi,
No power can stand before them,

javo natthi palāyituṁ.
and no speed’s enough to flee.

Amoghaṁ divasaṁ kayirā,
Don’t waste your day,

appena bahukena vā;
a little or a lot.

Yaṁ yaṁ vijahate rattiṁ,
Every night that passes

tadūnaṁ tassa jīvitaṁ.
shortens your life by that much.

Carato tiṭṭhato vāpi,
Walking or standing,

āsīnasayanassa vā;
sitting or lying down:

Upeti carimā ratti,
your final night draws near;

na te kālo pamajjitun”ti.
you have no time to be careless.

… Sirimaṇḍo thero ….