sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.14

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.14

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Dvipādakoyaṁ asuci,
This two-legged body is dirty and stinking,

duggandho parihīrati;
full of different carcasses,

and oozing all over the place—

vissavanto tato tato.
but still it is cherished!

Migaṁ nilīnaṁ kūṭena,
Like a lurking deer by a trick,

baḷiseneva ambujaṁ;
like a fish by a hook,

Vānaraṁ viya lepena,
like a monkey by tar—

bādhayanti puthujjanaṁ.
they trap an ordinary person.

Rūpā saddā rasā gandhā,
Sights, sounds, tastes, smells,

phoṭṭhabbā ca manoramā;
and touches so delightful:

Pañca kāmaguṇā ete,
these five kinds of sensual stimulation

itthirūpasmi dissare.
are seen in a woman’s body.

Ye etā upasevanti,
Those ordinary people, their minds full of lust,

rattacittā puthujjanā;
who pursue those women:

Vaḍḍhenti kaṭasiṁ ghoraṁ,
they swell the horrors of the charnel ground,

ācinanti punabbhavaṁ.
piling up future lives.

Yo cetā parivajjeti,
One who, being mindful,

sappasseva padā siro;
avoids them

Somaṁ visattikaṁ loke,
like a snake’s head with their foot,

sato samativattati.
gets over clinging to the world.

Kāmesvādīnavaṁ disvā,
Seeing the danger in sensual pleasures,

nekkhammaṁ daṭṭhu khemato;
seeing renunciation as sanctuary,

Nissaṭo sabbakāmehi,
I’ve escaped all sensual pleasures,

patto me āsavakkhayo”ti.
and attained the ending of defilements.

… Sabbakāmitthero ….

Chakkanipāto niṭṭhito.


Uruveḷakassapo ca,

thero tekicchakāri ca;

Mahānāgo ca kullo ca,

mālukyo sappadāsako;

Kātiyāno migajālo,

jento sumanasavhayo;

Nhātamuni brahmadatto,

sirimaṇḍo sabbakāmī ca;

Gāthāyo caturāsīti,

therā cettha catuddasāti.