sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 7.2

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 7.2

The Book of the Sevens

Chapter One


Lakuṇṭaka Bhaddiya

“Pare ambāṭakārāme,
Bhaddiya has plucked out craving, root and all,

vanasaṇḍamhi bhaddiyo;
and in a jungle thicket

Samūlaṁ taṇhamabbuyha,
on the far side of the Wild Mango Monastery,

tattha bhaddova jhāyati.
he practices absorption; he is truly well-favoured.

Ramanteke mudiṅgehi,
Some delight in clay drums,

vīṇāhi paṇavehi ca;
in arched harps, and in cymbals.

Ahañca rukkhamūlasmiṁ,
But here, at the foot of a tree,

rato buddhassa sāsane.
I delight in the Buddha’s teaching.

Buddho ce me varaṁ dajjā,
If the Buddha were to grant me one wish,

so ca labbhetha me varo;
and I were to get what I wished for,

Gaṇhehaṁ sabbalokassa,
I’d choose for the whole world

niccaṁ kāyagataṁ satiṁ.
constant mindfulness of the body.

Ye maṁ rūpena pāmiṁsu,
Those who’ve judged me on appearance,

ye ca ghosena anvagū;
and those swayed by my voice,

are full of desire and greed;

na maṁ jānanti te janā.
they don’t know me.

Ajjhattañca na jānāti,
Not knowing what’s inside,

bahiddhā ca na passati;
nor seeing what’s outside,

Samantāvaraṇo bālo,
the fool shut in on every side,

sa ve ghosena vuyhati.
gets carried away by a voice.

Ajjhattañca na jānāti,
Not knowing what’s inside,

bahiddhā ca vipassati;
but seeing what’s outside,

Bahiddhā phaladassāvī,
seeing the fruit outside,

sopi ghosena vuyhati.
they’re also carried away by a voice.

Ajjhattañca pajānāti,
Understanding what’s inside,

bahiddhā ca vipassati;
and seeing what’s outside,

of unobstructed vision,

na so ghosena vuyhatī”ti.
they don’t get carried away by a voice.

… Lakuṇḍakabhaddiyo thero ….