sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 7.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 7.3

The Book of the Sevens

Chapter One



“Ekaputto ahaṁ āsiṁ,
I was an only child,

piyo mātu piyo pitu;
loved by my mother and father.

Bahūhi vatacariyāhi,
They had me by practicing

laddho āyācanāhi ca.
many prayers and observances.

Te ca maṁ anukampāya,
Out of compassion for me

atthakāmā hitesino;
wishing me well and wanting the best for me,

Ubho pitā ca mātā ca,
my mother and father

buddhassa upanāmayuṁ.
took me to see the Buddha.

‘Kicchā laddho ayaṁ putto,
“We had this son with difficulty;

sukhumālo sukhedhito;
he is delicate and dainty.

Imaṁ dadāma te nātha,
We offer him to you, Lord,

jinassa paricārakaṁ’.
to attend upon the victor.”

Satthā ca maṁ paṭiggayha,
The teacher, having accepted me,

ānandaṁ etadabravi;
declared to Ānanda:

‘Pabbājehi imaṁ khippaṁ,
“Quickly give him the going-forth—

hessatyājāniyo ayaṁ’.
this one will be a thoroughbred!”

Pabbājetvāna maṁ satthā,
After he, the teacher, had sent me forth,

vihāraṁ pāvisī jino;
the victor entered his dwelling.

Anoggatasmiṁ sūriyasmiṁ,
Before the sun set

tato cittaṁ vimucci me.
my mind was freed.

Tato satthā nirākatvā,
The teacher didn’t neglect me;

when he came out from seclusion,

‘Ehi bhaddā’ti maṁ āha,
he said: “Come Bhadda!”

sā me āsūpasampadā.
That was my ordination.

Jātiyā sattavassena,
At seven years old

laddhā me upasampadā;
I received ordination.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges;

aho dhammasudhammatā”ti.
oh, the excellence of the teaching!

… Bhaddo thero ….