sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 7.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 7.4

The Book of the Sevens

Chapter One


Sopāka (2nd)

“Disvā pāsādachāyāyaṁ,
I saw the supreme person

caṅkamantaṁ naruttamaṁ;
walking mindfully in the shade of the terrace,

Tattha naṁ upasaṅkamma,
so I approached,

vandissaṁ purisuttamaṁ.
and bowed to the supreme among men.

Ekaṁsaṁ cīvaraṁ katvā,
Arranging my robe over one shoulder

saṁharitvāna pāṇayo;
and clasping my hands together,

Anucaṅkamissaṁ virajaṁ,
I walked alongside that stainless one,

supreme among all beings.

Tato pañhe apucchi maṁ,
The wise one, expert in questions,

pañhānaṁ kovido vidū;
questioned me.

Acchambhī ca abhīto ca,
Brave and fearless,

byākāsiṁ satthuno ahaṁ.
I answered the teacher.

Vissajjitesu pañhesu,
When all his questions were answered,

anumodi tathāgato;
the Realized One congratulated me.

Bhikkhusaṅghaṁ viloketvā,
Looking around the mendicant Saṅgha,

imamatthaṁ abhāsatha.
he said the following:

‘Lābhā aṅgānaṁ magadhānaṁ,
“It is a blessing for the people of Aṅga and Magadha

Yesāyaṁ paribhuñjati;
that this person enjoys their

Cīvaraṁ piṇḍapātañca,
robe and almsfood,

Paccayaṁ sayanāsanaṁ;
requisites and lodgings,

Paccuṭṭhānañca sāmīciṁ,
their respect and service—

Tesaṁ lābhāti cābravi.
it’s a blessing for them,” he declared.

Ajjatagge maṁ sopāka,
“Sopāka, from this day on

you are invited to come and see me.

Esā ceva te sopāka,
And Sopāka, let this

bhavatu upasampadā’.
be your ordination.”

Jātiyā sattavassohaṁ,
At seven years old

laddhāna upasampadaṁ;
I received ordination.

Dhāremi antimaṁ dehaṁ,
I bear my final body—

aho dhammasudhammatā”ti.
oh, the excellence of the teaching!

… Sopāko thero ….