sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 8.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 8.1

The Book of the Eights

Chapter One



“Kammaṁ bahukaṁ na kāraye,
Don’t get involved in lots of work,

Parivajjeyya janaṁ na uyyame;
avoid people, and don’t try to acquire things.

So ussukko rasānugiddho,
If you’re eager and greedy for flavors,

Atthaṁ riñcati yo sukhādhivāho.
you’ll miss the goal that brings such happiness.

Paṅkoti hi naṁ avedayuṁ,
They know it really is a bog,

Yāyaṁ vandanapūjanā kulesu;
this homage and veneration in respectable families.

Sukhumaṁ sallaṁ durubbahaṁ,
Honor is a subtle dart, hard to extract,

Sakkāro kāpurisena dujjaho.
and hard for a sinner to give up.

Na parassupanidhāya,
The deeds of a mortal aren’t bad

kammaṁ maccassa pāpakaṁ;
because of what others do.

Attanā taṁ na seveyya,
You yourself should not do bad,

kammabandhū hi mātiyā.
for mortals have deeds as their kin.

Na pare vacanā coro,
You’re not a bandit because of what someone says,

na pare vacanā muni;
you’re not a sage because of what someone says;

Attā ca naṁ yathāvedi,
but as you know yourself,

devāpi naṁ tathā vidū.
so the gods will know you.

Pare ca na vijānanti,
Others don’t understand

mayamettha yamāmase;
that we need restraint in this.

Ye ca tattha vijānanti,
But those who do understand this,

tato sammanti medhagā.
being clever, settle their conflicts.

Jīvate vāpi sappañño,
A wise person lives on

api vittaparikkhayo;
even after loss of wealth;

Paññāya ca alābhena,
but without gaining wisdom,

vittavāpi na jīvati.
even a rich person doesn’t really live.

Sabbaṁ suṇāti sotena,
All is heard with the ear,

sabbaṁ passati cakkhunā;
all is seen with the eye;

Na ca diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ dhīro,
the wise ought not forsake

sabbaṁ ujjhitumarahati.
all that is seen and heard.

Cakkhumāssa yathā andho,
Though you have eyes, be as if blind;

sotavā badhiro yathā;
though you have ears, be as if deaf;

Paññavāssa yathā mūgo,
though you have wisdom, be as if dumb;

balavā dubbaloriva;
though you have strength, be as if feeble.

Atha atthe samuppanne,
And when issues come up

sayetha matasāyikan”ti.
lie as still as a corpse.

… Mahākaccāyano thero ….