sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 13.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 13.1

The Book of the Thirteens

Chapter One



“Yāhu raṭṭhe samukkaṭṭho,
He who was special in the kingdom,

rañño aṅgassa paddhagū;
the footman to the king of Aṅga,

Svajja dhammesu ukkaṭṭho,
today is special in the Dhamma—

soṇo dukkhassa pāragū.
Soṇa has gone beyond suffering.

Pañca chinde pañca jahe,
Five to cut, five to drop,

pañca cuttari bhāvaye;
and five more to develop.

Pañca saṅgātigo bhikkhu,
When a mendicant slips five chains

oghatiṇṇoti vuccati.
they’re said to have crossed the flood.

Unnaḷassa pamattassa,
If a monk is insolent and negligent,

bāhirāsassa bhikkhuno;
concerned only with externals,

Sīlaṁ samādhi paññā ca,
their ethics, immersion, and wisdom

pāripūriṁ na gacchati.
do not become fulfilled.

Yañhi kiccaṁ apaviddhaṁ,
They disregard what should be done,

akiccaṁ pana karīyati;
and do what should not be done.

Unnaḷānaṁ pamattānaṁ,
For the insolent and the negligent,

tesaṁ vaḍḍhanti āsavā.
their defilements only grow.

Yesañca susamāraddhā,
Those that have properly undertaken

niccaṁ kāyagatā sati;
constant mindfulness of the body,

Akiccaṁ te na sevanti,
don’t cultivate what should not be done,

kicce sātaccakārino;
but always do what should be done.

Satānaṁ sampajānānaṁ,
Mindful and aware,

atthaṁ gacchanti āsavā.
their defilements come to an end.

Ujumaggamhi akkhāte,
The straight path has been explained—

gacchatha mā nivattatha;
go on it and don’t turn back.

Attanā codayattānaṁ,
Urge yourself on

and take yourself to quenching.

Accāraddhamhi vīriyamhi,
When my energy was over-exerted,

satthā loke anuttaro;
the supreme Teacher in the world

Vīṇopamaṁ karitvā me,
created the simile of the arched harp for me.

dhammaṁ desesi cakkhumā;
The Clear-eyed One taught the Dhamma,

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
and when I heard what he said,

vihāsiṁ sāsane rato.
I happily did his bidding.

Samathaṁ paṭipādesiṁ,
Practicing serenity of mind

uttamatthassa pattiyā;
for the attainment of the highest goal.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

Nekkhamme adhimuttassa,
When you’re dedicated to renunciation

pavivekañca cetaso;
and seclusion of the heart;

when you’re dedicated to kindness

upādānakkhayassa ca.
and the end of grasping;

when you’re dedicated to the ending of craving

asammohañca cetaso;
and clarity of heart;

Disvā āyatanuppādaṁ,
and you’ve seen the arising of the senses,

sammā cittaṁ vimuccati.
your mind is rightly freed.

Tassa sammā vimuttassa,
For that one, rightly freed,

santacittassa bhikkhuno;
a mendicant with peaceful mind,

Katassa paṭicayo natthi,
there’s nothing to be improved,

karaṇīyaṁ na vijjati.
and nothing more to do.

Selo yathā ekagghano,
As the wind cannot stir

vātena na samīrati;
a solid mass of rock,

Evaṁ rūpā rasā saddā,
so too sights, tastes, sounds,

gandhā phassā ca kevalā.
smells, and touches—the lot—

Iṭṭhā dhammā aniṭṭhā ca,
and ideas, whether liked or disliked,

nappavedhenti tādino;
don’t disturb the poised one.

Ṭhitaṁ cittaṁ visaññuttaṁ,
Their mind is steady and unfettered

as they observe disappearance.

… Soṇo koḷiviso thero …

Terasanipāto niṭṭhito.


Soṇo koḷiviso thero,

ekoyeva mahiddhiko;

Terasamhi nipātamhi,

gāthāyo cettha terasāti.