sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 1.2

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 1.2

Chapter of the Ones
The Book of the Ones


Verses of the Elder Muttā Muttā (1st)

“Mutte muccassu yogehi,
“Muttā, free yourself from bondage,
Muttā, be released from your yokes,

cando rāhuggahā iva;
like the moon from Rāhu’s grasp.
like the moon released from the eclipse.

Vippamuttena cittena,
And with a liberated mind,
When your mind is released,

anaṇā bhuñja piṇḍakan”ti.
eat alms free of debt.”
enjoy your alms free of debt.

Itthaṁ sudaṁ bhagavā muttaṁ sikkhamānaṁ imāya gāthāya abhiṇhaṁ ovadatīti.
Thus the Bhagavant often exhorts the trainee Muttā with this verse.
That is how the Buddha regularly advised the trainee nun Muttā with these verses.