sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.2

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.2

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Jentā Jentā

“Ye ime satta bojjhaṅgā,
“These seven factors of enlightenment
Of the seven awakening factors,

maggā nibbānapattiyā;
are the path for attaining Nirvana.
the path for attaining extinguishment,

Bhāvitā te mayā sabbe,
I have developed all of them,
I have developed them all,

yathā buddhena desitā.
as taught by the Buddha.
just as the Buddha taught.

Diṭṭho hi me so bhagavā,
I have seen the Bhagavant,
For I have seen the Blessed One,

antimoyaṁ samussayo;
this is my last body.
and this bag of bones is my last.

Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,
Destroyed is rebirth in saṁsāra,
Transmigration through births is finished,

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there is no coming back to any state of being.”
now there’ll be no more future lives.

Itthaṁ sudaṁ jentā therī gāthāyo abhāsitthāti.
Thus Jentā the Elder spoke these verses.
That is how these verses were recited by the senior nun Jentā.