sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.4

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.4

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Aḍḍhakāsi Aḍḍhakāsi

“Yāva kāsijanapado,
“In the country of Kāsi
The price for my services

suṅko me tatthako ahu;
I was purchased.
amounted to the nation of Kāsi.

Taṁ katvā negamo agghaṁ,
The townsman set a price,
By setting that price,

aḍḍhenagghaṁ ṭhapesi maṁ.
but settled for half of it.
the townsfolk made me priceless.

Atha nibbindahaṁ rūpe,
Then I was disenchanted by form;
Then, growing disillusioned with my form,

nibbindañca virajjahaṁ;
disenchanted, I became dispassionate.
I became dispassionate.

Mā puna jātisaṁsāraṁ,
May I not be reborn again in saṁsāra,
Don’t journey on and on,

sandhāveyyaṁ punappunaṁ;
may I not return again and again!
transmigrating through rebirths!

Tisso vijjā sacchikatā,
Now I have realized the three knowledges
I've realized the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and completed the teaching of the Buddha.”
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Aḍḍhakāsi therī ….
The Elder Aḍḍhakāsi