sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.7

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.7

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Mittā Mittā (2nd)

“Cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ,
“On the fourteenth day, on the fifteenth day,
I rejoiced in the host of gods,

yā ca pakkhassa aṭṭhamī;
on the eighth day of a fortnight,
having observed the sabbath

and on extraordinary fortnights,
complete in all eight factors,

I observed the Uposatha,
on the fourteenth and the fifteenth days,

Uposathaṁ upāgacchiṁ,
complete in all its eight factors,
and the eighth day of the fortnight,

seeking delight in the company of Devas.
as well as on the fortnightly special displays.

Sājja ekena bhattena,
Today with one meal a day,
Today I eat just once a day,

muṇḍā saṅghāṭipārutā;
a shaven head, wrapped in a robe,
my head is shaven, I wear the outer robe.

Devakāyaṁ na patthehaṁ,
I do not aspire to be a Deva,
I don’t long for the host of gods,

vineyya hadaye daran”ti.
as I have removed distress from my heart.”
for stress has been removed from my heart.

… Mittā therī ….
The Elder Mittā