sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 3.1

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 3.1

Chapter of the Threes
The Book of the Threes


Verses of Another Elder Sāmā Another Sāmā

“For twenty-five years
In the twenty-five years

yato pabbajitāya me;
since I had gone forth,
since I went forth,

Nābhijānāmi cittassa,
I had not once
I don’t know that I had ever found

samaṁ laddhaṁ kudācanaṁ.
gained any peace of mind.
serenity in my mind.

Aladdhā cetaso santiṁ,
I had not attained peace of mind
I had failed to find peace of heart,

citte avasavattinī;
and I had no power over the mind.
or any control over my mind.

Tato saṁvegamāpādiṁ,
Then, I recollected the teaching of the Victorious One,
When I remembered the victor’s instructions,

saritvā jinasāsanaṁ.
and I was met with a sense of urgency.
I was struck with a sense of urgency.

Bahūhi dukkhadhammehi,
Amidst so much suffering,
Though subject to so many painful things,

appamādaratāya me;
I devoted myself to heedfulness.
I have, through my love of diligence,

Taṇhakkhayo anuppatto,
I obtained the destruction of craving
reached the ending of craving,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ;
and completed the teaching of the Buddha.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

Ajja me sattamī ratti,
Today is the seventh night
This is the seventh day

yato taṇhā visositā”ti.
from when craving was made to wither.”
since my craving dried up.

… Aparā sāmā therī ….
Another Elder Sāmā