sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 3.5

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 3.5

Chapter of the Threes
The Book of the Threes


Verses of the Elder Ubbirī Ubbirī

“Amma jīvāti vanamhi kandasi,
“Mother, you cry in the forest for Jīvā.
“You cry ‘Please be living!’ in the forest.

Attānaṁ adhigaccha ubbiri;
Ubbirī, come to your senses!
Ubbirī, get a hold of yourself!

Eighty-four thousand beings,
Eighty-four thousand people,

Sabbā jīvasanāmikā;
all with the name Jīvā,
all named ‘living being’,

Etamhāḷāhane daḍḍhā,
were burnt in that cremation ground:
have been burnt in this funeral ground:

Tāsaṁ kamanusocasi”.
you sorrowed over all of them in the same way.”
which one do you grieve for?”

“Abbahī vata me sallaṁ,
“At last, you pulled out the thorn,
“Oh! For you have plucked the arrow from me,

duddasaṁ hadayassitaṁ;
difficult to see, stuck in my heart.
so hard to see, stuck in the heart.

Yaṁ me sokaparetāya,
Losing my daughter filled me with grief,
You’ve swept away the grief for my daughter

dhītusokaṁ byapānudi.
but now that grief is gone.
in which I once was mired.

Sājja abbūḷhasallāhaṁ,
Today the thorn has been pulled out;
Today I’ve plucked the arrow,

Nicchātā parinibbutā;
I am free of craving, fully quenched.
I’m hungerless, extinguished.

Buddhaṁ dhammañca saṅghañca,
I go to the Sage for refuge
I go for refuge to that sage, the Buddha,

Upemi saraṇaṁ munin”ti.
in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.”
to his teaching, and to the Sangha.”

… Ubbirī therī ….
The Elder Ubbirī