sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.2

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.2

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Vimalā Vimalā, the Former Courtesan

“Mattā vaṇṇena rūpena,
“Intoxicated with this beautiful body,
Intoxicated by my appearance,

sobhaggena yasena ca;
as well as glory, success,
my figure, my beauty, my fame,

Yobbanena cupatthaddhā,
and my youth,
and owing to my youth,

I despised anyone who was not my equal.
I despised other women.

Vibhūsetvā imaṁ kāyaṁ,
Dressed in flashy clothes,
I adorned this body,

sucittaṁ bālalāpanaṁ;
prattling on,
so fancy, cooed over by fools,

Aṭṭhāsiṁ vesidvāramhi,
I stood at the entrance of the pleasure house,
and stood at the brothel door,

luddo pāsamivoḍḍiya.
like a hunter setting traps.
like a hunter laying a snare.

Piḷandhanaṁ vidaṁsentī,
I flaunted my assets
I stripped for them,

guyhaṁ pakāsikaṁ bahuṁ;
and often exposed my private parts;
revealing my many hidden treasures.

Akāsiṁ vividhaṁ māyaṁ,
I made fun of many people,
Creating an intricate illusion,

ujjagghantī bahuṁ janaṁ.
and deceived them in many ways.
I laughed, teasing those men.

Sājja piṇḍaṁ caritvāna,
Today I walk for alms,
Today, having wandered for alms,

muṇḍā saṅghāṭipārutā;
with a shaven-head, wrapped in a robe.
my head shaven, wearing the outer robe,

Nisinnā rukkhamūlamhi,
Seated at the root of a tree,
I sat at the root of a tree to meditate;

avitakkassa lābhinī.
I attain absence of thought.
I've gained freedom from thought.

Sabbe yogā samucchinnā,
All bonds have been cut off,
All yokes are severed,

ye dibbā ye ca mānusā;
both divine and human.
both human and divine.

Khepetvā āsave sabbe,
Having cast away all influences,
Having wiped out all defilements,

sītibhūtāmhi nibbutā”ti.
I have become cool and quenched.”
I have become cooled and quenched.

… Vimalā purāṇagaṇikā therī ….
The Elder Vimalā, a Former Courtesan.