sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.4

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.4

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Sundarīnandā Sundarīnandā

“Āturaṁ asuciṁ pūtiṁ,
“Nandā, see this body as diseased,
“Nandā, see this bag of bones as

passa nande samussayaṁ;
impure, and rotten.
diseased, filthy, and rotten.

Asubhāya cittaṁ bhāvehi,
Cultivate awareness of the unattractive,
With mind unified and serene,

ekaggaṁ susamāhitaṁ.
with a well-collected, one-pointed mind.
meditate on the ugly aspects of the body:

Yathā idaṁ tathā etaṁ,
As this is, so is that,
as this is, so is that,

yathā etaṁ tathā idaṁ;
as that is, so is this.
as that is, so is this.

Duggandhaṁ pūtikaṁ vāti,
Only fools enjoy
A foul stink wafts from it,

bālānaṁ abhinanditaṁ.
the vile smell of rotten winds.”
it is the fools’ delight.”

Evametaṁ avekkhantī,
“I looked at it in this way
Reflecting in such a way,

relentlessly, by day and by night,
tireless all day and night,

Tato sakāya paññāya,
saw it for myself with wisdom,
having broken through

abhinibbijjha dakkhisaṁ”.
and had a breakthrough.
with my own wisdom, I saw.

“Tassā me appamattāya,
I heedfully investigated
Being diligent,

vicinantiyā yoniso;
the origin of things
rationally investigating,

Yathābhūtaṁ ayaṁ kāyo,
to accurately see this body
I truly saw this body

diṭṭho santarabāhiro.
inside and out.
both inside and out.

Atha nibbindahaṁ kāye,
Then I was disenchanted by the body,
Then, growing disillusioned with the body,

ajjhattañca virajjahaṁ;
and I became dispassionate.
I became dispassionate within.

Appamattā visaṁyuttā,
Heedful, unbound,
Diligent, detached,

upasantāmhi nibbutā”ti.
I am quenched and at peace.”
I’m quenched and at peace.

… Sundarīnandā therī ….
The Elder Sundarīnandā