sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.5

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.5

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Nanduttarā Nanduttarā

“Aggiṁ candañca sūriyañca,
“I used to worship fire, the moon,
In the past I worshiped the sacred flame,

devatā ca namassihaṁ;
the sun, and the Devas.
the moon, the sun, and the gods.

Nadītitthāni gantvāna,
I would go to the river ford
Having gone to a river ford,

udakaṁ oruhāmihaṁ.
and descend into the water.
I plunged into the water.

I took on many spiritual practices:
Undertaking many vows,

aḍḍhaṁ sīsassa olikhiṁ;
I shaved half of my head,
I shaved half my head.

Chamāya seyyaṁ kappemi,
I set my sleeping place on the ground,
Preparing a bed on the ground,

rattiṁ bhattaṁ na bhuñjahaṁ.
and ate no food at night.
I ate no food at night.

At the same time I enjoyed jewelry and makeup,
I loved my ornaments and decorations;

nhāpanucchādanehi ca;
I pampered this body
and with baths and oil-massages,

Upakāsiṁ imaṁ kāyaṁ,
with baths and massages,
I pandered to this body,

kāmarāgena aṭṭitā.
afflicted with longing to gratify the senses.
racked by desire for pleasures of the senses.

Tato saddhaṁ labhitvāna,
Eventually I acquired faith,
But then I gained faith,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
and went forth into homelessness.
and went forth to homelessness.

Disvā kāyaṁ yathābhūtaṁ,
After I accurately saw the body,
Truly seeing the body,

kāmarāgo samūhato.
I uprooted sense-desire.
desire for sensual pleasure is eradicated.

Sabbe bhavā samucchinnā,
All states of existence have been cut off,
All rebirths are cut off,

icchā ca patthanāpi ca;
as well as desire and aspiration.
wishes and aspirations too.

All bonds unbound,
Unyoked from all yokes,

santiṁ pāpuṇi cetaso”ti.
I have attained peace of mind.”
I've found peace of mind.

… Nanduttarā therī ….
The Elder Nanduttarā