sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.10

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.10

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Paṭācārā Paṭācārā

“Naṅgalehi kasaṁ khettaṁ,
“Young men plough the field,
Plowing the fields,

bījāni pavapaṁ chamā;
sowing seeds in the earth.
sowing seeds in the ground,

Puttadārāni posentā,
As they nourish wife and children,
supporting partners and children,

dhanaṁ vindanti māṇavā.
young men prosper.
young men acquire wealth.

Kimahaṁ sīlasampannā,
I have perfect morality,
I am accomplished in ethics,

I follow the teaching of the Teacher,
and I do the Teacher’s bidding,

Nibbānaṁ nādhigacchāmi,
I am not lazy nor conceited,
being neither lazy nor restless—

akusītā anuddhatā.
so why have I not attained Nirvana?
why then do I not achieve quenching?

Pāde pakkhālayitvāna,
After washing my feet,
Having washed my feet,

udakesu karomahaṁ;
I observed the water
I took note of the water,

Pādodakañca disvāna,
seeing the foot-washing water

thalato ninnamāgataṁ.
flowing from high ground to low.

Tato cittaṁ samādhesiṁ,
From there I sought one-pointedness of mind,
My mind became serene,

assaṁ bhadraṁvajāniyaṁ;
like a good thoroughbred horse.
like a fine thoroughbred steed.

Tato dīpaṁ gahetvāna,
Later, I took the lamp,
Then, taking a lamp,

vihāraṁ pāvisiṁ ahaṁ;
and entered my dwelling.
I entered my dwelling,

Seyyaṁ olokayitvāna,
I checked the bed
inspected the bed,

mañcakamhi upāvisiṁ.
and took a seat on a mat.
and sat on my cot.

Tato sūciṁ gahetvāna,
I took the needle
Then, grabbing the pin,

vaṭṭiṁ okassayāmahaṁ;
and pulled out the wick.
I drew out the wick.

Padīpasseva nibbānaṁ,
The emancipation of my mind
The liberation of my heart

vimokkho ahu cetaso”ti.
was like the extinguishing of a lamp.”
was like the quenching of the lamp.

… Paṭācārā therī ….
The Elder Paṭācārā