sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.12

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.12

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Candā Candā

“Duggatāhaṁ pure āsiṁ,
“I was destitute,
I used to be in a sorry state.

vidhavā ca aputtikā;
a widow without children,
As a childless widow,

Vinā mittehi ñātīhi,
friends or relatives.
bereft of friends or relatives,

bhattacoḷassa nādhigaṁ.
Food and cloth were difficult to come by,
I got neither food nor clothes.

Pattaṁ daṇḍañca gaṇhitvā,
so I would take a bowl and walking stick,
I took a bowl and a staff

bhikkhamānā kulā kulaṁ;
and went begging from one family to another.
and went begging from family to family.

Sītuṇhena ca ḍayhantī,
I wandered for seven years,
For seven years I wandered,

satta vassāni cārihaṁ.
consumed by heat and cold.
burned by heat and cold.

Bhikkhuniṁ puna disvāna,
When I saw a bhikkhunī
Then I saw a nun

annapānassa lābhiniṁ;
accepting food and drink,
receiving food and drink.

Upasaṅkamma avocaṁ,
I approached her and said:
Approaching her, I said:

‘pabbajjaṁ anagāriyaṁ’.
‘I want to go forth into homelessness.’
“Send me forth to homelessness.”

Sā ca maṁ anukampāya,
Out of compassion for me,
Out of compassion for me,

pabbājesi paṭācārā;
Paṭācārā allowed me to go forth.
Paṭācārā gave me the going forth.

Tato maṁ ovaditvāna,
Then she exhorted me,
Then, having advised me,

paramatthe niyojayi.
and spurred me on to the highest aim.
she urged me on to the ultimate goal.

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
I heard and
After hearing her words,

akāsiṁ anusāsaniṁ;
followed her instruction.
I did her bidding.

Amogho ayyāyovādo,
Ayya’s guidance was not in vain:
The lady’s advice was not in vain:

tevijjāmhi anāsavā”ti.
possessing the three knowledges, I am free from influences.”
master of the three knowledges, <j>I am free of defilements.

… Candā therī ….
… The Elder Candā

Pañcakanipāto niṭṭhito.
The Chapter of the Fives is finished.