sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 6.2

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 6.2

Chapter of the Sixes
The Book of the Sixes


Verses of the Elder Vāseṭṭhi Vāseṭṭhī

“Puttasokenahaṁ aṭṭā,
“When I lost my child I was taken over by grief;
Struck down with grief for my son,

khittacittā visaññinī;
I went deranged, I lost my mind.
deranged, out of my mind,

Naggā pakiṇṇakesī ca,
Naked and with disheveled hair,
naked, my hair flying,

tena tena vicārihaṁ.
I wandered here and there,
I wandered here and there.

Vīthi saṅkārakūṭesu,
living in middens,
I lived on rubbish heaps,

susāne rathiyāsu ca;
roadsides, and cemeteries.
in cemeteries and highways.

Acariṁ tīṇi vassāni,
I wandered for three years,
For three years I wandered,

afflicted by hunger and thirst.
stricken by hunger and thirst.

Athaddasāsiṁ sugataṁ,
When I arrived at the town of Mithilā,
Then I saw the Holy One

nagaraṁ mithilaṁ pati;
and I saw the one who fares well -
back at the city of Mithilā.

Adantānaṁ dametāraṁ,
tamer of the untamed,
Tamer of the untamed,

the self-enlightened one, fearless everywhere -
the Awakened One fears nothing from any quarter.

Sacittaṁ paṭiladdhāna,
I returned to sanity.
Regaining my mind,

vanditvāna upāvisiṁ;
I paid respects and sat down.
I paid homage and sat down.

So me dhammamadesesi,
Gotama taught me the Dhamma
Out of compassion

anukampāya gotamo.
out of compassion.
Gotama taught me the Dhamma.

Tassa dhammaṁ suṇitvāna,
After I heard his Dhamma,
After hearing his teaching,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
I went forth into homelessness.
I went forth to homelessness.

Yuñjantī satthuvacane,
I bound myself to the words of the Teacher;
Applying myself to the Teacher’s words,

sacchākāsiṁ padaṁ sivaṁ.
I realized the path of joy.
I realized the state of grace.

Sabbe sokā samucchinnā,
All woes have been cut off,
All sorrows are cut off,

pahīnā etadantikā;
abandoned, finished.
given up, they end here.

Pariññātā hi me vatthū,
Now I have fully understood
I've fully understood the basis

yato sokāna sambhavo”ti.
how grief comes into being.”
from which grief comes to be.

… Vāseṭṭhī therī ….
The Elder Vāseṭṭhī