sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 6.4

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 6.4

Chapter of the Sixes
The Book of the Sixes


Verses of the Elder Sujātā Sujātā

“Alaṅkatā suvasanā,
“Bejeweled and all dolled up,
I was adorned with jewelry and all dressed up,

mālinī candanokkhitā;
wearing flower garlands, scented with sandalwood,
with garlands, and sandalwood makeup piled on,

I was completely covered with adornments,
all covered over with decorations,

attended by a following of servants.
and surrounded by my maids.

Annaṁ pānañca ādāya,
After taking food and drink,
Taking food and drink,

khajjaṁ bhojjaṁ anappakaṁ;
many tasty dishes and a generous amount of grains,
staples and dainties in no small amount,

Gehato nikkhamitvāna,
I left home,
I left my house

and went to the park.
and took myself to the park.

Tattha ramitvā kīḷitvā,
There I had a good time, played around,
I enjoyed myself there and played about,

āgacchantī sakaṁ gharaṁ;
and then went back to my own house.
and then, returning to my own house,

Vihāraṁ daṭṭhuṁ pāvisiṁ,
Since I wanted to see a monastery,
I saw a monastic dwelling,

sākete añjanaṁ vanaṁ.
I went into Añjana forest at Sāketa.
and so I entered the Añjana grove at Sāketa.

Disvāna lokapajjotaṁ,
There I saw the Buddha, shedding light on the world.
Seeing the light of the world,

vanditvāna upāvisiṁ;
I paid respects and sat down.
I paid homage and sat down.

So me dhammamadesesi,
The Seer taught me the Dhamma
Out of compassion

anukampāya cakkhumā.
out of compassion.
the Clear-eyed One taught me the Dhamma.

Sutvā ca kho mahesissa,
After hearing the Great Sage,
When I heard the great seer,

saccaṁ sampaṭivijjhahaṁ;
I penetrated the truth.
I penetrated the truth.

Tattheva virajaṁ dhammaṁ,
There I touched the stainless Dhamma,
Right there I encountered the Dhamma,

phusayiṁ amataṁ padaṁ.
the path to the deathless.
the stainless, state free of death.

Tato viññātasaddhammā,
Then, because I had become aware of the true Dhamma,
Then, having understood the true teaching,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
I went forth into homelessness.
I went forth to homelessness.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I obtained the three knowledges,
I’ve attained the three knowledges;

amoghaṁ buddhasāsanan”ti.
the teaching of the Buddha was not in vain.”
the Buddha’s bidding was not in vain.

… Sujātā therī ….
The Elder Sujātā