sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 6.5

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 6.5

Chapter of the Sixes
The Book of the Sixes


Verses of the Elder Anopamā Anopamā

“Ucce kule ahaṁ jātā,
“I was Majjha’s daughter:
I was born into an eminent family,

bahuvitte mahaddhane;
affluent and wealthy,

Vaṇṇarūpena sampannā,
with much wealth and property,
endowed with a beautiful complexion and figure;

dhītā majjhassa atrajā.
endowed with beauty.
Majjha’s true-born daughter.

Patthitā rājaputtehi,
Sons of kings pursued me,
I was sought by princes,

seṭṭhiputtehi gijjhitā;
sons of wealthy merchants desired me.
coveted by sons of the wealthy.

Pitu me pesayī dūtaṁ,
One sent out a messenger for my father:
One sent a messenger to my father:

detha mayhaṁ anopamaṁ.
‘Give me Anopamā!
“Give me Anopamā!

Yattakaṁ tulitā esā,
However much she is worth,
However much your daughter

tuyhaṁ dhītā anopamā;
your daughter Anopamā,
Anopamā weighs,

Tato aṭṭhaguṇaṁ dassaṁ,
I will give you eight times as much
I'll give you eight times that

hiraññaṁ ratanāni ca.
in gold and gems.’
in gold and gems.”

Sāhaṁ disvāna sambuddhaṁ,
When I saw the Self-Enlightened One,
When I saw the Awakened One,

lokajeṭṭhaṁ anuttaraṁ;
the supreme in the world, the unsurpassable one,
the world’s Elder, unsurpassed,

Tassa pādāni vanditvā,
I paid homage at his feet,
I paid homage at his feet,

ekamantaṁ upāvisiṁ.
and sat down to one side.
and withdrew to one side.

So me dhammamadesesi,
Gotama taught me the Dhamma
Out of compassion,

anukampāya gotamo;
out of compassion.
Gotama taught me the Dhamma.

Nisinnā āsane tasmiṁ,
Sitting on that seat,
While sitting in that seat,

phusayiṁ tatiyaṁ phalaṁ.
I reached the third fruit.
I realized the third fruit.

Tato kesāni chetvāna,
Then I cut off my hair,
Then, having shaved off my hair,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ;
and went forth into homelessness.
I went forth to homelessness.

Ajja me sattamī ratti,
Today is the seventh night
This is the seventh day

yato taṇhā visositā”ti.
from when craving was made to wither.”
since my craving dried up.

… Anopamā therī ….
The Elder Anopamā