sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 6.7

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 6.7

Chapter of the Sixes
The Book of the Sixes


Verses of the Elder Guttā Guttā

“Gutte yadatthaṁ pabbajjā,
“Guttā, why did you go forth?
Guttā, you have given up your child,

hitvā puttaṁ vasuṁ piyaṁ;
You have left behind child, wealth, and all that is dear.
your wealth, and all that you love.

Tameva anubrūhehi,
Practice in this way,
Foster the goal for which you went forth;

mā cittassa vasaṁ gami.
do not be controlled by the mind.
do not fall under the mind’s control.

Cittena vañcitā sattā,
Sentient beings are misguided by the mind,
Beings deceived by the mind,

mārassa visaye ratā;
enjoying the realm of Māra.
playing in Māra’s domain,

Fools wander along in saṁsāra,
ignorant, they journey on,

sandhāvanti aviddasū.
running through countless births.
transmigrating through countless rebirths.

Kāmacchandañca byāpādaṁ,
Interest in sensual pleasures, ill will,
Sensual desire and ill will,

sakkāyadiṭṭhimeva ca;
attachment to self-identity,
and substantialist view;

clinging to rites and rituals,
misapprehension of precepts and observances,

vicikicchañca pañcamaṁ.
and the fifth is doubt.
and doubt as the fifth.

Saṁyojanāni etāni,
Once you abandon these fetters,
O nun, when you have given up

pajahitvāna bhikkhunī;
these lower fetters,

you will not return
you won’t come back

nayidaṁ punarehisi.
to the near shore again.
to this world again.

Rāgaṁ mānaṁ avijjañca,
Once you forsake passion, conceit, ignorance,
And when you’re rid of desire,

uddhaccañca vivajjiya;
and restlessness,
conceit, ignorance, and restlessness,

Saṁyojanāni chetvāna,
having cut off the fetters,
having cut the fetters,

dukkhassantaṁ karissasi.
you will bring suffering to an end.
you’ll make an end to suffering.

Khepetvā jātisaṁsāraṁ,
Once you have discarded birth in saṁsāra,
Having wiped out transmigration,

pariññāya punabbhavaṁ;
having fully understood how existence is renewed,
and fully understood rebirth,

Diṭṭheva dhamme nicchātā,
seeing the Dhamma, without cravings,
hungerless in this very life,

upasantā carissatī”ti.
you will walk in peace.”
you will live at peace.

… Guttā therī ….
The Elder Guttā