sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.41

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8.41

5. Uposathavagga
5. Sabbath


The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Brief

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants,


“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
“Venerable sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Buddha said this:

“Aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgato, bhikkhave, uposatho upavuttho mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṁso mahājutiko mahāvipphāro.
“Mendicants, the observance of the sabbath with its eight factors is very fruitful and beneficial and splendid and bountiful.

Kathaṁ upavuttho ca, bhikkhave, aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgato uposatho mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṁso mahājutiko mahāvipphāro?
And how should it be observed?

Idha, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako iti paṭisañcikkhati:
It’s when a noble disciple reflects:

‘yāvajīvaṁ arahanto pāṇātipātaṁ pahāya pāṇātipātā paṭiviratā nihitadaṇḍā nihitasatthā lajjī dayāpannā, sabbapāṇabhūtahitānukampino viharanti.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up killing living creatures, renouncing the rod and the sword. They are scrupulous and kind, and live full of compassion for all living beings.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ pāṇātipātaṁ pahāya pāṇātipātā paṭivirato nihitadaṇḍo nihitasattho lajjī dayāpanno, sabbapāṇabhūtahitānukampī viharāmi.
I, too, for this day and night will give up killing living creatures, renouncing the rod and the sword. I’ll be scrupulous and kind, and live full of compassion for all living beings.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā paṭhamena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its first factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto adinnādānaṁ pahāya adinnādānā paṭiviratā dinnādāyī dinnapāṭikaṅkhī, athenena sucibhūtena attanā viharanti.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up stealing. They take only what’s given, and expect only what’s given. They keep themselves clean by not thieving.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ adinnādānaṁ pahāya adinnādānā paṭivirato dinnādāyī dinnapāṭikaṅkhī, athenena sucibhūtena attanā viharāmi.
I, too, for this day and night will give up stealing. I’ll take only what’s given, and expect only what’s given. I’ll keep myself clean by not thieving.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā dutiyena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its second factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto abrahmacariyaṁ pahāya brahmacārino ārācārino viratā methunā gāmadhammā.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up unchastity. They are celibate, set apart, avoiding the vulgar act of sex.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ abrahmacariyaṁ pahāya brahmacārī ārācārī virato methunā gāmadhammā.
I, too, for this day and night will give up unchastity. I will be celibate, set apart, avoiding the vulgar act of sex.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā tatiyena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its third factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto musāvādaṁ pahāya musāvādā paṭiviratā saccavādino saccasandhā thetā paccayikā avisaṁvādako lokassa.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up lying. They speak the truth and stick to the truth. They’re honest and trustworthy, and don’t trick the world with their words.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ musāvādaṁ pahāya musāvādā paṭivirato saccavādī saccasandho theto paccayiko avisaṁvādako lokassa.
I, too, for this day and night will give up lying. I’ll speak the truth and stick to the truth. I’ll be honest and trustworthy, and won’t trick the world with my words.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā catutthena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its fourth factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānaṁ pahāya surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā paṭiviratā.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up alcoholic drinks that cause negligence.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānaṁ pahāya surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā paṭivirato.
I, too, for this day and night will give up alcoholic drinks that cause negligence.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā pañcamena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its fifth factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto ekabhattikā rattūparatā viratā vikālabhojanā.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones eat in one part of the day, abstaining from eating at night and from food at the wrong time.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ ekabhattiko rattūparato virato vikālabhojanā.
I, too, for this day and night will eat in one part of the day, abstaining from eating at night and food at the wrong time.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā chaṭṭhena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its sixth factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto naccagītavāditavisūkadassanamālāgandhavilepanadhāraṇamaṇḍanavibhūsanaṭṭhānaṁ pahāya naccagītavāditavisūkadassanamālāgandhavilepanadhāraṇamaṇḍanavibhūsanaṭṭhānā paṭiviratā.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up seeing shows of dancing, singing, and music ; and beautifying and adorning themselves with garlands, fragrance, and makeup.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ naccagītavāditavisūkadassanamālāgandhavilepanadhāraṇamaṇḍanavibhūsanaṭṭhānaṁ pahāya naccagītavāditavisūkadassanamālāgandhavilepanadhāraṇamaṇḍanavibhūsanaṭṭhānā paṭivirato.
I, too, for this day and night will give up seeing shows of dancing, singing, and music ; and beautifying and adorning myself with garlands, fragrance, and makeup.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā sattamena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its seventh factor.

‘Yāvajīvaṁ arahanto uccāsayanamahāsayanaṁ pahāya uccāsayanamahāsayanā paṭiviratā nīcaseyyaṁ kappenti—mañcake vā tiṇasanthārake vā.
‘As long as they live, the perfected ones give up high and luxurious beds. They sleep in a low place, either a small bed or a straw mat.

Ahampajja imañca rattiṁ imañca divasaṁ uccāsayanamahāsayanaṁ pahāya uccāsayanamahāsayanā paṭivirato nīcaseyyaṁ kappemi—mañcake vā tiṇasanthārake vā.
I, too, for this day and night will give up high and luxurious beds. I’ll sleep in a low place, either a small bed or a straw mat.

Imināpaṅgena arahataṁ anukaromi, uposatho ca me upavuttho bhavissatī’ti.
I will observe the sabbath by doing as the perfected ones do in this respect.’

Iminā aṭṭhamena aṅgena samannāgato hoti.
This is its eighth factor.

Evaṁ upavuttho kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgato uposatho mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṁso mahājutiko mahāvipphāro”ti.
The observance of the sabbath with its eight factors in this way is very fruitful and beneficial and splendid and bountiful.”
