sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato and suddhaso

Minor Collection Collection of Minor Texts

Sayings of the Dhamma 116–128
Verses of Dhamma

9. Wickedness
Chapter of Evil


Abhittharetha kalyāṇe,
Rush to do good,
Rush to do good,

pāpā cittaṁ nivāraye;
shield your mind from evil;
keep the mind back from evil.

Dandhañhi karoto puññaṁ,
for when you’re slow to do good,
One who is slow to do good

pāpasmiṁ ramatī mano.
your thoughts delight in wickedness.
appreciates evil.


Pāpañce puriso kayirā,
If you do something bad,
If a person does something evil

Na naṁ kayirā punappunaṁ;
don’t do it again and again,
they should not do it again.

Na tamhi chandaṁ kayirātha,
don’t set your heart on it,
Take no interest in it;

Dukkho pāpassa uccayo.
for piling up evil is suffering.
the accumulation of evil is suffering.


Puññañce puriso kayirā,
If you do something good,
If a person does something good

kayirā naṁ punappunaṁ;
do it again and again,
they should do it again.

Tamhi chandaṁ kayirātha,
set your heart on it,
Take an interest in it;

sukho puññassa uccayo.
for piling up goodness is joyful.
the accumulation of merit is pleasant.


Pāpopi passati bhadraṁ,
Even the wicked see good things,
One sees evil as good

Yāva pāpaṁ na paccati;
so long as their wickedness has not ripened.
as long as its results have yet to fully manifest;

Yadā ca paccati pāpaṁ,
But as soon as that wickedness ripens,
but when the results of that evil fully manifest,

Atha pāpo pāpāni passati.
then the wicked see wicked things.
then one sees evil as evil.

Bhadropi passati pāpaṁ,
Even the good see wicked things,
One sees good as evil

Yāva bhadraṁ na paccati;
so long as their goodness has not ripened.
as long as its results have yet to fully manifest;

Yadā ca paccati bhadraṁ,
But as soon as that goodness ripens,
but when the results of that good fully manifest,

Atha bhadro bhadrāni passati.
then the good see good things.
then one sees good as good.


Māvamaññetha pāpassa,
Think not lightly of evil,
Do not disregard evil,

na mantaṁ āgamissati;
that it won’t come back to you.
thinking it will have no consequence.

The pot is filled with water
Just as falling drops of water

udakumbhopi pūrati;
falling drop by drop;
fill up a bucket,

Bālo pūrati pāpassa,
the fool is filled with wickedness
a fool becomes full of evil

thokaṁ thokampi ācinaṁ.
piled up bit by bit.
collecting it little by little.


Māvamaññetha puññassa,
Think not lightly of goodness,
Do not disregard merit,

na mandaṁ āgamissati;
that it won’t come back to you.
thinking it will have no consequence.

The pot is filled with water
Just as falling drops of water

udakumbhopi pūrati;
falling drop by drop;
fill up a bucket,

Dhīro pūrati puññassa,
the sage is filled with goodness
a sage becomes full of merit

thokaṁ thokampi ācinaṁ.
piled up bit by bit.
collecting it little by little.


Vāṇijova bhayaṁ maggaṁ,
Avoid wickedness,
Just as a wealthy merchant with little protection

appasattho mahaddhano;
as a merchant with rich cargo and small escort
avoids a dangerous road,

Visaṁ jīvitukāmova,
would avoid a dangerous road,
just as one who wishes to live avoids poison,

pāpāni parivajjaye.
or one who loves life would avoid drinking poison.
one should avoid evil.


Pāṇimhi ce vaṇo nāssa,
You can carry poison in your hand
If a hand is unwounded

hareyya pāṇinā visaṁ;
if it has no wound,
then it can take away poison;

Nābbaṇaṁ visamanveti,
for poison does not infect without a wound;
poison cannot affect one who has no wound.

natthi pāpaṁ akubbato.
nothing bad happens unless you do bad.
No evil comes to one who does none.


Yo appaduṭṭhassa narassa dussati,
Whoever wrongs a man who has done no wrong,
If one abuses

Suddhassa posassa anaṅgaṇassa;
a pure man who has not a blemish,
a faultless, pure, and flawless person,

Tameva bālaṁ pacceti pāpaṁ,
the evil backfires on the fool,
then evil will come back to that fool,

Sukhumo rajo paṭivātaṁva khitto.
like fine dust thrown upwind.
like fine dust thrown against the wind.


Gabbhameke uppajjanti,
Some are born in a womb;
Some people arise in wombs;

nirayaṁ pāpakammino;
evil-doers go to hell;
evildoers, in hell;

Saggaṁ sugatino yanti,
the virtuous go to heaven;
those on the right course go to heaven;

parinibbanti anāsavā.
the undefiled become fully extinguished.
the uncorrupted attain Nibbāna.


Na antalikkhe na samuddamajjhe,
Not in the sky, nor mid-ocean,
Not by going into the sky, or into the ocean,

Na pabbatānaṁ vivaraṁ pavissa;
nor hiding in a mountain cleft;
or into a mountain cleft,

Na vijjatī so jagatippadeso,
you’ll find no place in the world
or anywhere in the world,

Yatthaṭṭhito mucceyya pāpakammā.
to escape your wicked deeds.
can one find a place where one is free from one’s evil deeds.


Na antalikkhe na samuddamajjhe,
Not in the sky, nor mid-ocean,
Not by going into the sky, or into the ocean,

Na pabbatānaṁ vivaraṁ pavissa;
nor hiding in a mountain cleft;
or into a mountain cleft,

Na vijjatī so jagatippadeso,
you’ll find no place in the world
or anywhere in the world,

Yatthaṭṭhitaṁ nappasaheyya maccu.
where you won’t be vanquished by death.
can one find a place where one is not caught by death.

Pāpavaggo navamo.