sutta » kn » iti » vagga9 » Itivuttaka 88

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 88

The Book of the Threes

Chapter Four


Inner Stains

Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Tayome, bhikkhave, antarāmalā antarāamittā antarāsapattā antarāvadhakā antarāpaccatthikā.
“Mendicants, there are these three inner stains, inner foes, inner enemies, inner killers, and inner adversaries.

Katame tayo?
What three?

Lobho, bhikkhave, antarāmalo antarāamitto antarāsapatto antarāvadhako antarāpaccatthiko.

Doso, bhikkhave, antarāmalo antarāamitto antarāsapatto antarāvadhako antarāpaccatthiko.

Moho, bhikkhave, antarāmalo antarāamitto antarāsapatto antarāvadhako antarāpaccatthiko.
and delusion.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo antarāmalā antarāamittā antarāsapattā antarāvadhakā antarāpaccatthikā”ti.
These three are inner stains, inner foes, inner enemies, inner killers, and inner adversaries.”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Anatthajanano lobho,
“Greed creates harm;

lobho cittappakopano;
greed upsets the mind.

Bhayamantarato jātaṁ,
That person doesn’t recognize

taṁ jano nāvabujjhati.
the danger that arises within.

Luddho atthaṁ na jānāti,
A greedy person doesn’t know the good.

luddho dhammaṁ na passati;
A greedy person doesn’t see the truth.

Andhatamaṁ tadā hoti,
When a person is beset by greed,

yaṁ lobho sahate naraṁ.
only blind darkness is left.

Yo ca lobhaṁ pahantvāna,
Those who have given up greed,

lobhaneyye na lubbhati;
don’t get greedy even when provoked.

Lobho pahīyate tamhā,
Greed falls off them

udabindūva pokkharā.
like a drop from a lotus-leaf.

Anatthajanano doso,
Hate creates harm;

doso cittappakopano;
hate upsets the mind.

Bhayamantarato jātaṁ,
That person doesn’t recognize

taṁ jano nāvabujjhati.
the danger that arises within.

Duṭṭho atthaṁ na jānāti,
A hateful person doesn’t know the good.

duṭṭho dhammaṁ na passati;
A hateful person doesn’t see the truth.

Andhatamaṁ tadā hoti,
When a person is beset by hate,

yaṁ doso sahate naraṁ.
only blind darkness is left.

Yo ca dosaṁ pahantvāna,
Those who have given up hate,

dosaneyye na dussati;
don’t get angry even when provoked.

Doso pahīyate tamhā,
Hate falls off them

tālapakkaṁva bandhanā.
like a palm-leaf from its stem.

Anatthajanano moho,
Delusion creates harm;

moho cittappakopano;
delusion upsets the mind.

Bhayamantarato jātaṁ,
That person doesn’t recognize

taṁ jano nāvabujjhati.
the danger that arises within.

Mūḷho atthaṁ na jānāti,
A deluded person doesn’t know the good.

mūḷho dhammaṁ na passati;
A deluded person doesn’t see the truth.

Andhatamaṁ tadā hoti,
When a person is beset by delusion,

yaṁ moho sahate naraṁ.
only blind darkness is left.

Yo ca mohaṁ pahantvāna,
Those who have given up delusion,

mohaneyye na muyhati;
don’t get deluded even when provoked.

Mohaṁ vihanti so sabbaṁ,
They banish all delusion,

ādiccovudayaṁ taman”ti.
as the rising sun the dark.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.
