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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

1. Sukkavissaṭṭhisikkhāpada

The training rule on emission of semen

Ime kho panāyasmanto terasa saṅghādisesā dhammā uddesaṁ āgacchanti.
Venerables, these thirteen rules on suspension come up for recitation.

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā seyyasako anabhirato brahmacariyaṁ carati.
At that time Venerable Seyyasaka was dissatisfied with the spiritual life.

So tena kiso hoti lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto.
He became thin, haggard, and pale, with veins protruding all over his body.

Addasa kho āyasmā udāyī āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ kisaṁ lūkhaṁ dubbaṇṇaṁ uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajātaṁ dhamanisanthatagattaṁ. Disvāna āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ etadavoca—
Venerable Udāyī saw him in this condition and said to him,

“kissa tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, kiso lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto?
“Seyyasaka, you’re not looking well.

Kacci no tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, anabhirato brahmacariyaṁ carasī”ti?
You’re not dissatisfied with the spiritual life, are you?”

“I am.”

“Tena hi tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, yāvadatthaṁ bhuñja yāvadatthaṁ supa yāvadatthaṁ nhāya.
“Well then, eat , sleep, and bathe as much as you like.

Yāvadatthaṁ bhuñjitvā yāvadatthaṁ supitvā yāvadatthaṁ nhāyitvā yadā te anabhirati uppajjati rāgo cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti tadā hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocehī”ti.
And whenever you become discontent and lust overwhelms you, just masturbate with your hand.”

“Kiṁ nu kho, āvuso, kappati evarūpaṁ kātun”ti?
“But is that allowable?”

“Āma, āvuso. Ahampi evaṁ karomī”ti.
“Yes, I do it too.”

Atha kho āyasmā seyyasako yāvadatthaṁ bhuñji yāvadatthaṁ supi yāvadatthaṁ nhāyi.
Then Seyyasaka ate, slept, and bathed as much as he liked,

Yāvadatthaṁ bhuñjitvā yāvadatthaṁ supitvā yāvadatthaṁ nhāyitvā yadā anabhirati uppajjati rāgo cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti tadā hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocesi.
and whenever he became discontent and lust overwhelmed him, he masturbated with his hand.

Atha kho āyasmā seyyasako aparena samayena vaṇṇavā ahosi pīṇindriyo pasannamukhavaṇṇo vippasannachavivaṇṇo.
After some time Seyyasaka had a good color, a bright face, clear skin, and sharp senses.

Atha kho āyasmato seyyasakassa sahāyakā bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ etadavocuṁ—
The monks who were his friends said to him,

“pubbe kho tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, kiso ahosi lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto.
“Seyyasaka, you used to be thin, haggard, and pale, with veins protruding all over your body.

So dāni tvaṁ etarahi vaṇṇavā pīṇindriyo pasannamukhavaṇṇo vippasannachavivaṇṇo.
But now you have a good color, a bright face, clear skin, and sharp senses.

Kiṁ nu kho tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, bhesajjaṁ karosī”ti?
Have you been taking medicine?”

“Na kho ahaṁ, āvuso, bhesajjaṁ karomi.

Api cāhaṁ yāvadatthaṁ bhuñjāmi yāvadatthaṁ supāmi yāvadatthaṁ nhāyāmi.
I just eat, sleep, and bathe as much as I like,

Yāvadatthaṁ bhuñjitvā yāvadatthaṁ supitvā yāvadatthaṁ nhāyitvā yadā me anabhirati uppajjati rāgo cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti tadā hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocemī”ti.
and whenever I become discontent and lust overwhelms me, I masturbate with my hand.”

“Kiṁ pana tvaṁ, āvuso seyyasaka, yeneva hatthena saddhādeyyaṁ bhuñjasi teneva hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocesī”ti?
“Do you eat the food given in faith with the same hand you use to masturbate?”


Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā seyyasako hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocessatī”ti.
“How can Venerable Seyyasaka masturbate with his hand?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They rebuked Seyyasaka in many ways and then told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ paṭipucchi—
The Buddha then had the Sangha gathered and questioned Seyyasaka:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, seyyasaka, hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocesī”ti?
“Is it true, Seyyasaka, that you do this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“Yes, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked him,

“ananucchavikaṁ, moghapurisa, ananulomikaṁ appatirūpaṁ assāmaṇakaṁ akappiyaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
“Foolish man, it’s not suitable, it’s not proper, it’s not worthy of a monastic, it’s not allowable, it’s not to be done.

Kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, hatthena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocessasi.
How can you do this?

Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena virāgāya dhammo desito no sarāgāya,
Haven’t I given many teachings for the sake of dispassion, not for the sake of passion;

visaññogāya dhammo desito no saññogāya,
for freedom from bondage, not for the sake of bondage;

anupādānāya dhammo desito no saupādānāya.
for the sake of non-grasping, not for the sake of grasping?

Tattha nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, mayā virāgāya dhamme desite sarāgāya cetessasi, visaññogāya dhamme desite saññogāya cetessasi, anupādānāya dhamme desite saupādānāya cetessasi.
When I’ve taught like this, how can you choose passion, bondage, and grasping?

Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena rāgavirāgāya dhammo desito, madanimmadanāya pipāsavinayāya ālayasamugghātāya vaṭṭupacchedāya taṇhākkhayāya virāgāya nirodhāya nibbānāya dhammo desito?
Haven’t I given many teachings for the fading away of lust, for the clearing away of intoxication, for the removal of thirst, for the uprooting of attachment, for the cutting off of the round of rebirth, for the stopping of craving, for fading away, for ending, for extinguishment?

Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena kāmānaṁ pahānaṁ akkhātaṁ, kāmasaññānaṁ pariññā akkhātā, kāmapipāsānaṁ paṭivinayo akkhāto, kāmavitakkānaṁ samugghāto akkhāto, kāmapariḷāhānaṁ vūpasamo akkhāto?
Haven’t I given many teachings for the abandoning of sensual pleasures, for the full understanding of the perceptions of sensual pleasure, for the removal of thirst for sensual pleasure, for the elimination of thoughts of sensual pleasure, for the stilling of the fevers of sensual pleasure?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya, pasannānaṁ vā bhiyyobhāvāya.
Foolish man, this will affect people’s confidence,

Atha khvetaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānañceva appasādāya, pasannānañca ekaccānaṁ aññathattāyā”ti.
and cause some to lose it.”

Atha kho bhagavā āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā dubbharatāya …pe…
Then, after rebuking Seyyasaka in many ways, the Buddha spoke in dispraise of being difficult to support …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Sañcetanikā sukkavissaṭṭhi saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘Intentional emission of semen is an offense entailing suspension.’”

Evañcidaṁ bhagavatā bhikkhūnaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ hoti.
In this way the Buddha laid down this training rule for the monks.

Tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū paṇītabhojanāni bhuñjitvā muṭṭhassatī asampajānā niddaṁ okkamanti.
Soon afterwards some monks ate fine foods, fell asleep absentminded and heedless,

Tesaṁ muṭṭhassatīnaṁ asampajānānaṁ niddaṁ okkamantānaṁ supinantena asuci muccati.
and emitted semen while dreaming.

Tesaṁ kukkuccaṁ ahosi—
They became anxious, thinking,

“bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ—
“The Buddha has laid down a training rule

‘sañcetanikā sukkavissaṭṭhi saṅghādiseso’ti.
that intentional emission of semen is an offense entailing suspension.

Amhākañca supinantena asuci muccati.
We had an emission while dreaming,

Atthi cettha cetanā labbhati.
which is not without intention.

Kacci nu kho mayaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpannā”ti?
Could it be that we’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Atthesā, bhikkhave, cetanā;
“It’s true, monks, that a dream is not without intention,

sā ca kho abbohārikāti.
but it’s negligible.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
And so, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Sañcetanikā sukkavissaṭṭhi aññatra supinantā saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘Intentional emission of semen, except while dreaming, is an offense entailing suspension.’”


jānanto sañjānanto cecca abhivitaritvā vītikkamo.
knowing, perceiving, having intended, having decided, he transgresses.


dasa sukkāni—
there are ten kinds of semen:

nīlaṁ pītakaṁ lohitakaṁ odātaṁ takkavaṇṇaṁ dakavaṇṇaṁ telavaṇṇaṁ khīravaṇṇaṁ dadhivaṇṇaṁ sappivaṇṇaṁ.
blue, yellow, red, white, the color of buttermilk, the color of water, the color of oil, the color of milk, the color of curd, the color of ghee.


ṭhānato cāvanā vuccati vissaṭṭhīti.
making it move from its base—this is what is meant by “emission”.

Aññatra supinantāti
Except while dreaming:

ṭhapetvā supinantaṁ.
apart from that which occurs while dreaming.

An offense entailing suspension:

saṅghova tassā āpattiyā parivāsaṁ deti, mūlāya paṭikassati, mānattaṁ deti, abbheti; na sambahulā, na ekapuggalo. Tena vuccati—“saṅghādiseso”ti.
only the Sangha gives probation for that offense, sends back to the beginning, gives the trial period, and rehabilitates—not several monks, not an individual. Therefore it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Tasseva āpattinikāyassa nāmakammaṁ adhivacanaṁ. Tenapi vuccati—“saṅghādiseso”ti.
This is the name and designation of this class of offense. Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Ajjhattarūpe moceti,
He emits by means of his own body.

bahiddhārūpe moceti,
He emits by means of something external.

ajjhattabahiddhārūpe moceti,
He emits both by means of his own body and by means of something external.

ākāse kaṭiṁ kampento moceti;
He emits shaking the pelvis in the air.

rāgūpatthambhe moceti,
He emits because of stiffness due to sensual desire.

vaccūpatthambhe moceti,
He emits because of stiffness due to feces.

passāvūpatthambhe moceti,
He emits because of stiffness due to urine.

vātūpatthambhe moceti,
He emits because of stiffness due to intestinal gas.

uccāliṅgapāṇakadaṭṭhūpatthambhe moceti;
He emits because of stiffness due to being stung by caterpillars.

ārogyatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of health.

sukhatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of pleasure.

bhesajjatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of medicine.

dānatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of a gift.

puññatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of merit.

yaññatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of sacrifice.

saggatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of heaven.

bījatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of seed.

vīmaṁsatthāya moceti,
He emits for the sake of investigating.

davatthāya moceti;
He emits for the sake of fun.

nīlaṁ moceti,
He emits blue.

pītakaṁ moceti,
He emits yellow.

lohitakaṁ moceti,
He emits red.

odātaṁ moceti,
He emits white.

takkavaṇṇaṁ moceti,
He emits the color of buttermilk.

dakavaṇṇaṁ moceti,
He emits the color of water.

telavaṇṇaṁ moceti,
He emits the color of oil.

khīravaṇṇaṁ moceti,
He emits the color of milk.

dadhivaṇṇaṁ moceti,
He emits the color of curd.

sappivaṇṇaṁ moceti.
He emits the color of ghee.

By means of his own body:

ajjhattaṁ upādinne rūpe.
by means of his own organic body.

By means of something external:

bahiddhā upādinne vā anupādinne vā.
by means of something organic or inorganic, externally.

Both by means of his own body and by means of something external:

by means of both.

Ākāse kaṭiṁ kampentoti
Shaking the pelvis in the air:

ākāse vāyamantassa aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one making an effort in the air, the penis becomes erect.

Because of stiffness due to sensual desire:

rāgena pīḷitassa aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one oppressed by sensual desire, the penis becomes erect.

Because of stiffness due to feces:

vaccena pīḷitassa aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one oppressed by feces, the penis becomes erect.

Because of stiffness due to urine:

passāvena pīḷitassa aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one oppressed by urine, the penis becomes erect.

Because of stiffness due to intestinal gas:

vātena pīḷitassa aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one oppressed by intestinal gas, the penis becomes erect.

Because of stiffness due to being bitten by caterpillars:

uccāliṅgapāṇakadaṭṭhena aṅgajātaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti.
for one bitten by caterpillars, the penis becomes erect.

For the sake of health:

arogo bhavissāmi.
thinking, “I’ll be healthy.”

For the sake of pleasure:

sukhaṁ vedanaṁ uppādessāmi.
thinking, “I’ll produce a pleasant feeling.”

For the sake of medicine:

bhesajjaṁ bhavissati.
thinking, “There will be medicine.”

For the sake of a gift:

dānaṁ dassāmi.
thinking, “I’ll give a gift.”

For the sake of merit:

puññaṁ bhavissati.
thinking, “There will be merit.”

For the sake of sacrifice:

yaññaṁ yajissāmi.
thinking, “I’ll offer a sacrifice.”

For the sake of heaven:

saggaṁ gamissāmi.
thinking, “I’ll go to heaven.”

For the sake of seed:

bījaṁ bhavissati.
thinking, “There will be seed.”

For the sake of investigating:

nīlaṁ bhavissati, pītakaṁ bhavissati, lohitakaṁ bhavissati, odātaṁ bhavissati, takkavaṇṇaṁ bhavissati, dakavaṇṇaṁ bhavissati, telavaṇṇaṁ bhavissati, khīravaṇṇaṁ bhavissati, dadhivaṇṇaṁ bhavissati, sappivaṇṇaṁ bhavissatīti.
thinking, “Will it be blue?”, “Will it be yellow?”, “Will it be red?”, “Will it be white?”, “Will it be the color of buttermilk?”, “Will it be the color of water?”, “Will it be the color of oil?”, “Will it be the color of milk?”, “Will it be the color of curd?”, “Will it be the color of ghee?”

For the sake of fun:

desiring to play.

Ajjhattarūpe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, by means of his own body, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Bahiddhārūpe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, by means of something external, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ajjhattabahiddhārūpe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, both by means of his own body and by means of something external, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ākāse kaṭiṁ kampento ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, shaking the pelvis in the air, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Rāgūpatthambhe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, when there is stiffness due to sensual desire, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Vaccūpatthambhe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, when there is stiffness due to feces, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Passāvūpatthambhe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, when there is stiffness due to urine, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Vātūpatthambhe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, when there is stiffness due to intestinal gas, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Uccāliṅgapāṇakadaṭṭhūpatthambhe ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, when there is stiffness due to being bitten by caterpillars, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ārogyatthāya ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of health, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sukhatthāya …pe…
If, for the sake of pleasure …

bhesajjatthāya …
If, for the sake of medicine …

dānatthāya …
If, for the sake of a gift …

puññatthāya …
If, for the sake of merit …

yaññatthāya …
If, for the sake of sacrifice …

saggatthāya …
If, for the sake of heaven …

bījatthāya …
If, for the sake of seed …

vīmaṁsatthāya …
If, for the sake of investigating …

davatthāya ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Nīlaṁ ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Pītakaṁ …
If he intends yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
If he intends red …

odātaṁ …
If he intends white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
If he intends the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
If he intends the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
If he intends the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
If he intends the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
If he intends the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Suddhikaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The basic series is finished.

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ārogyatthañca bhesajjatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of medicine …

ārogyatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of a gift …

ārogyatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of merit …

ārogyatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of sacrifice …

ārogyatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of heaven …

ārogyatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of seed …

ārogyatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of investigating …

ārogyatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakassa khaṇḍacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The unconnected permutation series based on one item is finished.

Sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sukhatthañca dānatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of a gift …

sukhatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of merit …

sukhatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of sacrifice …

sukhatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of heaven …

sukhatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of seed …

sukhatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of investigating …

sukhatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sukhatthañca ārogyatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of health, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Bhesajjatthañca dānatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of a gift …

bhesajjatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of merit …

bhesajjatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of sacrifice …

bhesajjatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of heaven …

bhesajjatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of seed …

bhesajjatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of investigating …

bhesajjatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Bhesajjatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of health …

bhesajjatthañca sukhatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of medicine and for the sake of pleasure, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dānatthañca puññatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of merit …

dānatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of sacrifice …

dānatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of heaven …

dānatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of seed …

dānatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of investigating …

dānatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dānatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of health …

dānatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of pleasure …

dānatthañca bhesajjatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of a gift and for the sake of medicine, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puññatthañca yaññatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of sacrifice …

puññatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of heaven …

puññatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of seed …

puññatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of investigating …

puññatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puññatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of health …

puññatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of pleasure …

puññatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of medicine …

puññatthañca dānatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of merit and for the sake of a gift, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Yaññatthañca saggatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of heaven …

yaññatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of seed …

yaññatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of investigating …

yaññatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Yaññatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of health …

yaññatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of pleasure …

yaññatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of medicine …

yaññatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of a gift …

yaññatthañca puññatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of merit, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saggatthañca bījatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of seed …

saggatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of investigating …

saggatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saggatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of health …

saggatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of pleasure …

saggatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of medicine …

saggatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of a gift …

saggatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of merit …

saggatthañca yaññatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of heaven and for the sake of sacrifice, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Bījatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of investigating …

bījatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Bījatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of health …

bījatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of pleasure …

bījatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of medicine …

bījatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of a gift …

bījatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of merit …

bījatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of sacrifice …

bījatthañca saggatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of seed and for the sake of heaven, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Vīmaṁsatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Vīmaṁsatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of health …

vīmaṁsatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of pleasure …

vīmaṁsatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of medicine …

vīmaṁsatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of a gift …

vīmaṁsatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of merit …

vīmaṁsatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of sacrifice …

vīmaṁsatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of heaven …

vīmaṁsatthañca bījatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of seed, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Davatthañca ārogyatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of health …

davatthañca sukhatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of pleasure …

davatthañca bhesajjatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of medicine …

davatthañca dānatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of a gift …

davatthañca puññatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of merit …

davatthañca yaññatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of sacrifice …

davatthañca saggatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of heaven …

davatthañca bījatthañca …
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of seed …

davatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of fun and for the sake of investigating, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakassa baddhacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The linked permutation series based on one item is finished.

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakassa khaṇḍacakkaṁ.
The unconnected permutation series based on two items is finished.

Sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca dānatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and for the sake of a gift, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca davatthañca …pe…
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and for the sake of fun …

sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca ārogyatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and for the sake of health, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakassa baddhacakkaṁ, saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series based on two items in brief is finished.

Vīmaṁsatthañca davatthañca ārogyatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of fun and for the sake of a health, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

vīmaṁsatthañca davatthañca bījatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of investigating and for the sake of fun and for the sake of seed, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on two items is finished.

Timūlakampi catumūlakampi pañcamūlakampi chamūlakampi sattamūlakampi aṭṭhamūlakampi navamūlakampi evameva vitthāretabbaṁ.
Three items, four items, five items, six items, seven items, eight items, and nine items are to be expanded in the same way.

Idaṁ sabbamūlakaṁ.
This is the section based on all items:

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca dānatthañca puññatthañca yaññatthañca saggatthañca bījatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca davatthañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and for the sake of a gift and for the sake of merit and for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of heaven and for the sake of seed and for the sake of investigating and for the sake of fun, he intends and makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sabbamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on all items is finished.

Nīlañca pītakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends blue and yellow, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Nīlañca lohitakañca …pe…
If he intends blue and red …

nīlañca odātañca …
If he intends blue and white …

nīlañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends blue and the color of buttermilk …

nīlañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends blue and the color of water …

nīlañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends blue and the color of oil …

nīlañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends blue and the color of milk …

nīlañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends blue and the color of curd …

nīlañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends blue and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakassa khaṇḍacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The unconnected permutation series based on one item is finished.

Pītakañca lohitakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends yellow and red, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Pītakañca odātañca …pe…
If he intends yellow and white …

pītakañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends yellow and the color of buttermilk …

pītakañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends yellow and the color of water …

pītakañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends yellow and the color of oil …

pītakañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends yellow and the color of milk …

pītakañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends yellow and the color of curd …

pītakañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends yellow and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Pītakañca nīlañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends yellow and blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakassa baddhacakkaṁ.
The linked permutation series based on one item is finished.

Lohitakañca odātañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends red and white, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Lohitakañca takkavaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends red and the color of buttermilk …

lohitakañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends red and the color of water …

lohitakañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends red and the color of oil …

lohitakañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends red and the color of milk …

lohitakañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends red and the color of curd …

lohitakañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends red and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Lohitakañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends red and blue …

lohitakañca pītakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends red and yellow, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Odātañca takkavaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends white and the color of buttermilk …

odātañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends white and the color of water …

odātañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends white and the color of oil …

odātañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends white and the color of milk …

odātañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends white and the color of curd …

odātañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends white and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Odātañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends white and blue …

odātañca pītakañca …
If he intends white and yellow …

odātañca lohitakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends white and red, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Takkavaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends the color of buttermilk and the color of water …

takkavaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of buttermilk and the color of oil …

takkavaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of buttermilk and the color of milk …

takkavaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of buttermilk and the color of curd …

takkavaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of buttermilk and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Takkavaṇṇañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends the color of buttermilk and blue …

takkavaṇṇañca pītakañca …
If he intends the color of buttermilk and yellow …

takkavaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of buttermilk and red …

takkavaṇṇañca odātañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of buttermilk and white, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dakavaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends the color of water and the color of oil …

dakavaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of water and the color of milk …

dakavaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of water and the color of curd …

dakavaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of water and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dakavaṇṇañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends the color of water and blue …

dakavaṇṇañca pītakañca …
If he intends the color of water and yellow …

dakavaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of water and red …

dakavaṇṇañca odātañca …
If he intends the color of water and white …

dakavaṇṇañca takkavaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of water and the color of buttermilk, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Telavaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends the color of oil and the color of milk …

telavaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of oil and the color of curd …

telavaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of oil and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Telavaṇṇañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends the color of oil and blue …

telavaṇṇañca pītakañca …
If he intends the color of oil and yellow …

telavaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of oil and red …

telavaṇṇañca odātañca …
If he intends the color of oil and white …

telavaṇṇañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of oil and the color of buttermilk …

telavaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of oil and the color of water, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Khīravaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends the color of milk and the color of curd …

khīravaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of milk and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Khīravaṇṇañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends the color of milk and blue …

khīravaṇṇañca pītakañca …
If he intends the color of milk and yellow …

khīravaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of milk and red …

khīravaṇṇañca odātañca …
If he intends the color of milk and white …

khīravaṇṇañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of milk and the color of buttermilk …

khīravaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of milk and the color of water …

khīravaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of milk and the color of oil, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dadhivaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of curd and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dadhivaṇṇañca nīlañca …pe…
If he intends the color of curd and blue …

dadhivaṇṇañca pītakañca …
If he intends the color of curd and yellow …

dadhivaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of curd and red …

dadhivaṇṇañca odātañca …
If he intends the color of curd and white …

dadhivaṇṇañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of curd and the color of buttermilk …

dadhivaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of curd and the color of water …

dadhivaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of curd and the color of oil …

dadhivaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of curd and the color of milk, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sappivaṇṇañca nīlañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of ghee and blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sappivaṇṇañca pītakañca …pe…
If he intends the color of ghee and yellow …

sappivaṇṇañca lohitakañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and red …

sappivaṇṇañca odātañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and white …

sappivaṇṇañca takkavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and the color of buttermilk …

sappivaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and the color of water …

sappivaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and the color of oil …

sappivaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca …
If he intends the color of ghee and the color of milk …

sappivaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of ghee and the color of curd, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakassa baddhacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The linked permutation series based on one item is finished.

Nīlañca pītakañca lohitakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If he intends blue and yellow and red, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

nīlañca pītakañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends blue and yellow and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakassa khaṇḍacakkaṁ.
The unconnected permutation series based on two items is finished.

Pītakañca lohitakañca odātañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If he intends yellow and red and white, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

pītakañca lohitakañca sappivaṇṇañca …pe…
If he intends yellow and red and the color of ghee …

pītakañca lohitakañca nīlañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends yellow and red and blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakassa baddhacakkaṁ, saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series based on two items in brief is finished.

Dadhivaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca nīlañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe…
If he intends the color of curd and the color of ghee and blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

dadhivaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends the color of curd and the color of ghee and the color of milk, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dumūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on two items is finished.

Timūlakampi catumūlakampi pañcamūlakampi chamūlakampi sattamūlakampi aṭṭhamūlakampi navamūlakampi evameva vitthāretabbaṁ.
The sections based on three items, four items, five items, six items, seven items, eight items, and nine items are to be expanded in the same way.

Idaṁ sabbamūlakaṁ.
This is the section based on all items:

Nīlañca pītakañca lohitakañca odātañca takkavaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends blue and yellow and red and white and the color of buttermilk and the color of water and the color of oil and the color of milk and the color of curd and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sabbamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on all items is finished.

Ārogyatthañca nīlañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends for the sake of health and blue, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca nīlañca pītakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and blue and yellow, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca nīlañca pītakañca lohitakañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and blue and yellow and red, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

(Ubhatovaḍḍhakaṁ evameva vaḍḍhetabbaṁ.)
(In this way both aspects are to be expanded.)

Ārogyatthañca sukhatthañca bhesajjatthañca dānatthañca puññatthañca yaññatthañca saggatthañca bījatthañca vīmaṁsatthañca davatthañca nīlañca pītakañca lohitakañca odātañca takkavaṇṇañca dakavaṇṇañca telavaṇṇañca khīravaṇṇañca dadhivaṇṇañca sappivaṇṇañca ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends for the sake of health and for the sake of pleasure and for the sake of medicine and for the sake of a gift and for the sake of merit and for the sake of sacrifice and for the sake of heaven and for the sake of seed and for the sake of investigating and for the sake of fun and blue and yellow and red and white and the color of buttermilk and the color of water and the color of oil and the color of milk and the color of curd and the color of ghee, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Missakacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The mixed permutation series is finished.

Nīlaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati pītakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit blue,” makes an effort, and yellow is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Nīlaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati lohitakaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit blue,” makes an effort, and red is emitted …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of ghee is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Khaṇḍacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Pītakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati lohitakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit yellow,” makes an effort, and red is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Pītakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati odātaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit yellow,” makes an effort, and white is emitted …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
blue is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkamūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The basis of the linked permutation series in brief is finished.

(…) Sappivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati nīlaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
… If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of ghee,” makes an effort, and blue is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sappivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati pītakaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of ghee,” makes an effort, and yellow is emitted …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of curd is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Kucchicakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The core permutation series is finished.

Pītakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati nīlaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit yellow,” makes an effort, and blue is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Lohitakaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati nīlaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of ghee,” makes an effort, and blue is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa paṭhamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The first round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Lohitakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati pītakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit red,” makes an effort, and yellow is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Odātaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati pītakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
blue,” makes an effort, and yellow is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa dutiyaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The second round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Odātaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati lohitakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit white,” makes an effort, and red is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Takkavaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati lohitakaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
yellow,” makes an effort, and red is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa tatiyaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The third round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Takkavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati odātaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of buttermilk,” makes an effort, and white is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dakavaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati odātaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
red,” makes an effort, and white is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa catutthaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The fourth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Dakavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati takkavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of water,” makes an effort, and the color of buttermilk is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Telavaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati takkavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
white,” makes an effort, and the color of buttermilk is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa pañcamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The fifth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Telavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati dakavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of oil,” makes an effort, and the color of water is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Khīravaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati dakavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of buttermilk,” makes an effort, and the color of water is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa chaṭṭhaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The sixth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Khīravaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati telavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of milk,” makes an effort, and the color of oil is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dadhivaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of curd …

sappivaṇṇaṁ …
the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati telavaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of water,” makes an effort, and the color of oil is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa sattamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The seventh round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Dadhivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati khīravaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of curd,” makes an effort, and the color of milk is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sappivaṇṇaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of ghee …

nīlaṁ …
blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati khīravaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of oil,” makes an effort, and the color of milk is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa aṭṭhamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The eighth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Sappivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati dadhivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit the color of ghee,” makes an effort, and the color of curd is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Nīlaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit blue …

pītakaṁ …
yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati dadhivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of milk,” makes an effort, and the color of curd is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa navamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The ninth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Nīlaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati sappivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, “I’ll emit blue,” makes an effort, and the color of ghee is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Pītakaṁ …pe…
If he intends, “I’ll emit yellow …

lohitakaṁ …
red …

odātaṁ …
white …

takkavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of buttermilk …

dakavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of water …

telavaṇṇaṁ …
the color of oil …

khīravaṇṇaṁ …
the color of milk …

dadhivaṇṇaṁ mocessāmīti ceteti upakkamati sappivaṇṇaṁ muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
the color of curd,” makes an effort, and the color of ghee is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Piṭṭhicakkassa dasamaṁ gamanaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The tenth round of the additional permutation series is finished.

Piṭṭhicakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The additional permutation series is finished.

Ceteti upakkamati muccati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he intends, makes an effort, and semen is emitted, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ceteti upakkamati na muccati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he intends, makes an effort, but semen is not emitted, he commits a serious offense.

Ceteti na upakkamati muccati, anāpatti.
If he intends, but does not make an effort, yet semen is emitted, there is no offense.

Ceteti na upakkamati na muccati, anāpatti.
If he intends, but does not make an effort, nor is semen emitted, there is no offense.

Na ceteti upakkamati muccati, anāpatti.
If he does not intend, but makes an effort, and semen is emitted, there is no offense.

Na ceteti upakkamati na muccati, anāpatti.
If he does not intend, but makes an effort, yet semen is not emitted, there is no offense.

Na ceteti na upakkamati muccati, anāpatti.
If he does not intend, nor makes an effort, yet semen is emitted, there is no offense.

Na ceteti na upakkamati na muccati, anāpatti.
If he does not intend, nor makes an effort, nor is semen emitted, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

if it is while dreaming;

if he is not aiming at emission;

if he is insane;

if he is deranged;

if he is overwhelmed by pain;

if he is the first offender.

1.1. Vinītavatthuuddānagāthā
Summary verses of case studies

“Dream, feces, urine,

vitakkuṇhodakena ca;
Thought, and with warm water;

Bhesajjaṁ kaṇḍuvaṁ maggo,
Medicine, scratching, path,

vatthi jantāgharupakkamo.
Foreskin, sauna, massage.

Sāmaṇero ca sutto ca,
Novice, and asleep,

ūru muṭṭhinā pīḷayi;
Thigh, pressed with the fist;

Ākāse thambhaṁ nijjhāyi,
In the air, rigid, staring,

chiddaṁ kaṭṭhena ghaṭṭayi.
Keyhole, rubbed with wood.

Soto udañjalaṁ dhāvaṁ,
Current, mud, running,

pupphāvaliyaṁ pokkharaṁ;
Mud play, lotus;

Vālikā kaddamusseko,
Sand, mud, pouring,

sayanaṅguṭṭhakena cāti.
Bed, and with the thumb.”

1.2. Vinītavatthu
Case studies

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno supinantena asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk had an emission of semen while dreaming.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi—
He became anxious, thinking,

“bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ, kacci nu kho ahaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno”ti?
“The Buddha has laid down a training rule. Could it be that I’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
He told the Buddha, who said,

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, supinantenā”ti.
“There’s no offense when it occurs while dreaming.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno uccāraṁ karontassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was defecating, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“kiṁcitto tvaṁ, bhikkhū”ti?
“What were you thinking, monk?”

“Nāhaṁ, bhagavā, mocanādhippāyo”ti.
“I wasn’t aiming at emission, Sir.”

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno passāvaṁ karontassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was urinating, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno kāmavitakkaṁ vitakkentassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was thinking a sensual thought, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, vitakkentassā”ti.
“There’s no offense for one thinking a sensual thought.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno uṇhodakena nhāyantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was bathing in warm water, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“kiṁcitto tvaṁ, bhikkhū”ti?
“What were you thinking, monk?”

“Nāhaṁ, bhagavā, mocanādhippāyo”ti.
“I wasn’t aiming at emission, Sir.”

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa uṇhodakena nhāyantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk bathed in warm water aiming at emission, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“You’ve committed an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa uṇhodakena nhāyantassa asuci na mucci.
On one occasion a monk bathed in warm water aiming at emission, but semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno aṅgajāte vaṇo hoti.
At one time a monk had a sore on his penis.

Bhesajjena ālimpentassa asuci mucci.
While he was applying medicine, semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno aṅgajāte vaṇo hoti.
At one time a monk had a sore on his penis.

Mocanādhippāyassa bhesajjena ālimpentassa asuci mucci …pe…
He applied medicine aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno aṇḍaṁ kaṇḍuvantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk scratched his scrotum, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa aṇḍaṁ kaṇḍuvantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk scratched his scrotum aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno maggaṁ gacchantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was walking along a path, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa maggaṁ gacchantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk walked along a path aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno vatthiṁ gahetvā passāvaṁ karontassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk took hold of his foreskin, urinated, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa vatthiṁ gahetvā passāvaṁ karontassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, took hold of his foreskin, urinated, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno jantāghare udaravaṭṭiṁ tāpentassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was having his belly heated in the sauna, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa jantāghare udaravaṭṭiṁ tāpentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, had his belly heated in the sauna, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno jantāghare upajjhāyassa piṭṭhiparikammaṁ karontassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk massaged his preceptor’s back in the sauna, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa jantāghare upajjhāyassa piṭṭhiparikammaṁ karontassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, massaged his preceptor’s back in the sauna, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno ūruṁ ghaṭṭāpentassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was having his thigh massaged, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa ūruṁ ghaṭṭāpentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, had his thigh massaged, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu mocanādhippāyo aññataraṁ sāmaṇeraṁ etadavoca—
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, said to a novice,

“ehi me tvaṁ, āvuso sāmaṇera, aṅgajātaṁ gaṇhāhī”ti.
“Take hold of my penis.”

So tassa aṅgajātaṁ aggahesi.
The novice took hold of his penis,

Tasseva asuci mucci.
and the monk emitted semen.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“There’s an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu suttassa sāmaṇerassa aṅgajātaṁ aggahesi.
On one occasion a monk took hold of the penis of a sleeping novice,

Tasseva asuci mucci.
and the monk emitted semen.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa ūrūhi aṅgajātaṁ pīḷentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk pressed his penis between his thighs aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa muṭṭhinā aṅgajātaṁ pīḷentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk pressed his penis with his fist aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa ākāse kaṭiṁ kampentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk shook his pelvis in the air aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno kāyaṁ thambhentassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk made his body rigid, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa kāyaṁ thambhentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk made his body rigid aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sāratto mātugāmassa aṅgajātaṁ upanijjhāyi.
On one occasion a lustful monk stared at a woman’s genitals,

Tassa asuci mucci.
and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa.
“There’s no offense entailing suspension.

Na ca, bhikkhave, sārattena mātugāmassa aṅgajātaṁ upanijjhāyitabbaṁ.
But you should not stare at a woman’s genitals motivated by lust.

Yo upanijjhāyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
If you do, you commit an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa tāḷacchiddaṁ aṅgajātaṁ pavesentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk inserted his penis into a keyhole aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa kaṭṭhena aṅgajātaṁ ghaṭṭentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk rubbed his penis with a piece of wood aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno paṭisote nhāyantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk bathed against the current, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa paṭisote nhāyantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk bathed against the current aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno udañjalaṁ kīḷantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was playing in mud, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa udañjalaṁ kīḷantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk played in mud aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno udake dhāvantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk ran in water, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa udake dhāvantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk ran in water aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno pupphāvaliyaṁ kīḷantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was playing by sliding in the mud, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa pupphāvaliyaṁ kīḷantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk, aiming at emission, was playing by sliding in the mud, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno pokkharavane dhāvantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk was running in a lotus grove, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa pokkharavane dhāvantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk ran in a lotus grove aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa vālikaṁ aṅgajātaṁ pavesentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk inserted his penis into sand aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa kaddamaṁ aṅgajātaṁ pavesentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk inserted his penis into mud aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno udakena aṅgajātaṁ osiñcantassa asuci mucci.
On one occasion a monk poured water on his penis, and semen was emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, namocanādhippāyassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one isn’t aiming at emission.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa udakena aṅgajātaṁ osiñcantassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk poured water on his penis aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa sayane aṅgajātaṁ ghaṭṭentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk rubbed his penis against his bed aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno mocanādhippāyassa aṅguṭṭhena aṅgajātaṁ ghaṭṭentassa asuci mucci …pe…
On one occasion a monk rubbed his penis with his thumb aiming at emission, and semen was emitted. …

asuci na mucci.
semen was not emitted.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi—
He became anxious, thinking,

“bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ,
“The Buddha has laid down a training rule.

kacci nu kho ahaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno”ti?
Could it be that I’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
He told the Buddha, who said,

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Sukkavissaṭṭhisikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ paṭhamaṁ.
The training rule on emission of semen, the first, is finished.