vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

The Monks’ Analysis

Part two

1.9 Katthapaññattivāra

The section on “where was it laid down?”

1. Pārājikakaṇḍa
The chapter on offenses entailing expulsion

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattaṁ, kaṁ ārabbha, kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ …pe…
“The offense entailing expulsion that is a result of having sexual intercourse was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down? Whom is it about? What is it about? …

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The offense entailing expulsion that is a result of having sexual intercourse was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Vesāliyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Vesālī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sudinnaṁ kalandaputtaṁ ārabbha.
Sudinna the Kalandian.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sudinno kalandaputto purāṇadutiyikāya methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Sudinna having sexual intercourse with his ex-wife.

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti, dve anupaññattiyo.
There is one rule. There are two additions to the rule.

Anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbattha paññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

In common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For both.

Pañcannaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the five ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ.
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Dutiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the second recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing expulsion.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe…
from body and mind, not from speech. …

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.


Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena adinnaṁ ādiyanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The offense entailing expulsion that is a result of stealing was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññattaṁ.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Dhaniyaṁ kumbhakāraputtaṁ ārabbha.
Dhaniya the potter.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Dhaniyo kumbhakāraputto rañño dārūni adinnaṁ ādiyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Dhaniya stealing timber from the king.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways:

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Sañcicca manussaviggahaṁ jīvitā voropanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing expulsion that is a result of intentionally killing a human being. Where was it laid down?”

Vesāliyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Vesālī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahule bhikkhū ārabbha.
A number of monks.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhū aññamaññaṁ jīvitā voropesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks killing one another.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways:

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Asantaṁ abhūtaṁ uttarimanussadhammaṁ ullapanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing expulsion that is a result of claiming a non-existent, unreal superhuman quality. Where was it laid down?”

Vesāliyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Vesālī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Vaggumudātīriye bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks from the banks of the Vaggumudā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Vaggumudātīriyā bhikkhū gihīnaṁ aññamaññassa uttarimanussadhammassa vaṇṇaṁ bhāsiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks praising one another’s superhuman qualities to householders.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways:

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Cattāro pārājikā niṭṭhitā.
The four offenses entailing expulsion are finished.

2. Saṅghādisesakaṇḍādi
2. The chapter on offenses entailing suspension, etc.

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññatto, kaṁ ārabbha, kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ …pe…
“The offense entailing suspension that is a result of emitting semen by means of effort was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened On. Where was it laid down? Whom is it about? What is it about? …

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“The offense entailing suspension that is a result of emitting semen by means of effort was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ seyyasakaṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Seyyasaka.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā seyyasako upakkamitvā asuciṁ mocesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Seyyasaka masturbating.

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

Not in common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For one.

Pañcannaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the five ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ.
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Tatiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the third recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing suspension.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe…
from body and mind, not from speech. …

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.


Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

Vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

Piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of making physical contact with a woman. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Udāyī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā udāyī mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Udāyī making physical contact with a woman.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe….
from body and mind, not from speech. …

Mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of speaking indecently to a woman. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Udāyī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā udāyī mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Udāyī speaking indecently to a woman.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways:

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Mātugāmassa santike attakāmapāricariyāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of encouraging a woman to satisfy one’s own desires. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Udāyī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā udāyī mātugāmassa santike attakāmapāricariyāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Udāyī encouraging a woman to satisfy his own desires.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Sañcarittaṁ samāpajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of acting as a matchmaker. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Udāyī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā udāyī sañcarittaṁ samāpajji, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Udāyī acting as a matchmaker.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways:

siyā kāyato samuṭṭhāti, na vācato na cittato;
from body, not from speech or mind; or

siyā vācato samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato na cittato;
from speech, not from body or mind; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca samuṭṭhāti, na cittato;
from body and speech, not from mind; or

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kārāpanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of having a hut built by means of begging. Where was it laid down?”

Āḷaviyaṁ paññatto.
At Āḷavī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āḷavake bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks of Āḷavī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āḷavakā bhikkhū saññācikāya kuṭiyo kārāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks having huts made by means of begging.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kārāpanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of having a large dwelling built. Where was it laid down?”

Kosambiyaṁ paññatto.
At Kosambī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ channaṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Channa.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā channo vihāravatthuṁ sodhento aññataraṁ cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Channa having a tree that served as a shrine felled to clear a site for a dwelling.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Bhikkhuṁ amūlakena pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of groundlessly charging a monk with an offense entailing expulsion. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññatto.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Mettiyabhūmajake bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks Mettiya and Bhūmajaka.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Mettiyabhūmajakā bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ amūlakena pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks groundlessly charging Venerable Dabba the Mallian with an offense entailing expulsion.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Bhikkhuṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñcidesaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of charging a monk with an offense entailing expulsion, using an unrelated legal issue as a pretext. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññatto.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Mettiyabhūmajake bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks Mettiya and Bhūmajaka.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Mettiyabhūmajakā bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks charging Venerable Dabba the Mallian with an offense entailing expulsion, using an unrelated legal issue as a pretext.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Saṅghabhedakassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of a monk not stopping with pursuing schism in the Sangha when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññatto.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Devadattaṁ ārabbha.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Devadatto samaggassa saṅghassa bhedāya parakkami, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Devadatta pursuing schism in a united Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Bhedakānuvattakānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of monks not stopping siding with one who is pursuing schism in the Sangha when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññatto.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahule bhikkhū ārabbha.
Several monks.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhū devadattassa saṅghabhedāya parakkamantassa anuvattakā ahesuṁ vaggavādakā, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks siding with and supporting Devadatta’s pursuit of schism in the Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Dubbacassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of a monk not stopping with being difficult to correct when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Kosambiyaṁ paññatto.
At Kosambī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Āyasmantaṁ channaṁ ārabbha.
Venerable Channa.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Āyasmā channo bhikkhūhi sahadhammikaṁ vuccamāno attānaṁ avacanīyaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Channa making himself incorrigible when legitimately spoken to by the monks.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Kuladūsakassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of a monk not stopping with being a corrupter of families when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Assajipunabbasuke bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks Assaji and Punabbasuka.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Assajipunabbasukā bhikkhū saṅghena pabbājanīyakammakatā bhikkhū chandagāmitā dosagāmitā mohagāmitā bhayagāmitā pāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks, when the Sangha did a legal procedure of banishment against them, slandering the monks as acting out of favoritism, ill will, confusion, and fear.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Anādariyaṁ paṭicca udake uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā kheḷaṁ vā karaṇapaccayā dukkaṭaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense of wrong conduct that is a result of, out of disrespect, defecating, urinating, or spitting in water. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiye bhikkhū ārabbha.
The monks from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhū udake uccārampi passāvampi kheḷampi akaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Those monks defecating, urinating, and spitting in water.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe….
from body and mind, not from speech. …

Katthapaññattivāro niṭṭhito paṭhamo.
The first section on “where was it laid down?” is finished.