sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.43

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.43

5. Ādittavagga
5. On Fire


Food Food

“They always take delight in food,
“Both gods and humans

ubhaye devamānusā;
Both devas and human beings.
enjoy their food.

Atha ko nāma so yakkho,
So what sort of spirit could it be
So what’s the name of the spirit

yaṁ annaṁ nābhinandatī”ti.
That does not take delight in food?”
who doesn’t like food?”

“Ye naṁ dadanti saddhāya,
“When they give out of faith
“Those who give with faith

vippasannena cetasā;
With a heart of confidence,
and a clear and confident heart,

Tameva annaṁ bhajati,
Food accrues to the giver himself
partake of food

asmiṁ loke paramhi ca.
Both in this world and the next.
in this world and the next.

Tasmā vineyya maccheraṁ,
“Therefore, having removed stinginess,
So you should dispel stinginess,

dajjā dānaṁ malābhibhū;
The conqueror of the stain should give a gift.
overcoming that stain, and give a gift.

Puññāni paralokasmiṁ,
Merits are the support for living beings
The good deeds of sentient beings

patiṭṭhā honti pāṇinan”ti.
When they arise in the other world. ”
support them in the next world.”